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審決分類 審判 査定不服 2項進歩性 特許、登録しない。 F01B
管理番号 1237776
審判番号 不服2010-16  
総通号数 139 
発行国 日本国特許庁(JP) 
公報種別 特許審決公報 
発行日 2011-07-29 
種別 拒絶査定不服の審決 
審判請求日 2010-01-04 
確定日 2011-05-30 
事件の表示 特願2005-315804「ロータリ流体原動機」拒絶査定不服審判事件〔平成18年 5月25日出願公開、特開2006-132534〕について、次のとおり審決する。 
結論 本件審判の請求は、成り立たない。 
理由 1.手続の経緯・本願発明


ア.「[0002] The present invention relates generally to fluid machinery and, more specifically, to fluid pressurizing apparatus, such as a rotary compressor or pump of the type including a rotor supporting reciprocating pistons, around an axis of rotation.」(段落[0002])

イ.「[0005] In accordance with the invention, the fluid pressurizing apparatus comprises a casing defining a cylindrical chamber; a rotor having an input shaft in the cylindrical chamber, piston chambers and pistons in the rotor, crankshafts with pinion gears connected to the pistons and a drive train to synchronize rotation of the input shaft and the crankshafts. 」(段落[0005])

ウ.「[0029]In FIG. 2 , there is seen a fixed casing C of the compressor formed by an outer cylinder 1 and a pair of end plates 2 , 3 . A cylindrical rotor R is supported in the casing for rotation in outer cylinder 1 . Discharge ports 5 and suction ports 6 are provided in the outer cylinder 1 to provide communication with piston chambers 13 in rotor R as will be described later.
[0030] The cylindrical rotor R includes two annular blocks or bodies 8 , 8 each having a cylindrical outer surface matching the cylindrical inner surface of outer cylinder 1 . The rotor R has an input shaft 4 which is driven around an axis of rotation of the shaft by an electric motor (not shown) as a prime mover. Alternatively, the device can be used as a fluid motor to deliver output drive to shaft 4 when pressurized fluid is input to the device at suction port 6 .
[0031] The rotor R includes crankshafts 21 driven by the pistons, a front crankshaft mounting plate 9 , and its cover 9’, and a rear crankshaft mounting plate 10 . The mounting plates 9 and 10 are secured to the annular bodies 8 . Between the two annular bodies 8 of the rotor is a crankshaft middle mounting plate 11 and its cover 12 (a detail of plate 11 and its cover 12 is shown in FIG. 7 ). The input shaft 4 extends through the casing and is rotatably mounted in the casing by sleeve bearings in the end plates 2 , 3 of the casing.
[0032] The axis of input shaft 4 is coincident with the axis of rotation of rotor R and the input shaft and the rotor rotate together.
[0033] As shown in FIG. 8, a crankshaft-mounting arm 28 is fixedly secured on the input shaft 4 for bodily rotation therewith. The crankshaft-mounting arm 28 includes a bearing support for each crankshaft 21 which includes a bearing housing 29 , 30 and a bearing 31 in the housing for rotatably supporting the respective crankshaft 21 .
[0034] Piston chambers 13 are fixedly secured by piston chamber bases 14 inside each annular body 8 of rotor R. Each piston chamber extends along an axis spaced radially from the axis of rotation of the rotor and perpendicular to a plane passing through the axis of rotation. The piston chambers 13 are enclosed in a cylindrically shaped valve casing 15 . In FIG. 6 , is seen a seal 32 inserted in rotor annular body 8 to engage valve casing 15 to prevent oil leakage from the valve casing 15 . 」(段落[0029]ないし[0034])
[0033] 図8に示すように、クランク軸取付アーム28が入力軸4に固定され、入力軸と一体に回転する。クランク軸取付アーム28は軸受ハウジング29、30、軸受31を含み、ハウジング内で回転可能に支持され、それぞれクランク軸21を支持する。
[0034] ピストン室13はピストン室基部14と共に、ロータRの環状体8の内側にしっかりと固定される。各ピストン室は軸方向にロータRの環状体の外側表面までロータRの回転軸と垂直に延びている。各ピストン室13は、円筒状のバルブケーシング15で覆われる。図6には、バルブケーシング15からの油漏れを防ぐため、ロータの環状体8に挿入したシール32が示されている。」

エ.「[0037] A curved end of the valve casing 15 is pressed against the inner cylindrical surface of the outer cylinder 1 of the casing by coil springs 33 to be sealed and fluid-tight thereat. As shown in FIG. 9 B, the coil springs 33 are seated on respective spring stems 34 mounted on piston chamber base 14 and the lower end of cylindrical shape valve casing 15 to resiliently resist movement of the casing 15 with respect to base 14 valve. At the outer surface of piston chamber base 14 a ring-seal 16 is provided to prevent oil leakage from cylindrical valve casing 15 . A spring-loaded key 35 is mounted in keyways 36 , 37 in each piston chamber and in its cylindrical shape valve casing 15 respectively. 」(段落[0037])
「[0037]バルブケーシング15の湾曲端は、コイルスプリング33により外筒1ケーシングの内筒表面に押し付けられ、流体気密にする。図9 Bに示すように、コイルスプリング33は、ピストン室基部14および円筒形バルブケーシング15の下端に載るばねステム34に着座し、円筒状バルブケーシング15が動くことを防止する。円筒状のバルブケーシング15からの油漏れを防ぐために、ピストン室基部14の外側表面をリングシール16で覆っている。ばね力を備えたキー35は、各ピストン室内及び円筒状バルブケーシング15の内側のキー溝36、37中にそれぞれ設けられている。」

オ.「[0041] FIG. 11 illustrates a gear chamber 22 between front end plate 3 and cover 9 ’. Gear chamber 22 contains a fixed gear 23 ( FIG. 8 ) formed at the front end of input shaft 4 for driving a lube oil pump (not shown).
[0042] A drive train is provided to synchronize the rotation of the input shaft 4 and both of the crankshafts 21 . As shown in FIG. 12 A, the drive train includes an annular gear-carrying cap 26 in a drive train chamber 24 disposed between rear end plate 2 of the casing and rear mounting plate 10 of the crankshafts. A sleeve which supports the input shaft is formed at the center of annular gear-carrying cap 26 with one end of the sleeve fixedly secured to rear end plate 2 of the casing. An annular gear 25 is fixed to the annular gear-carrying cap 26 . The annular gear 25 meshes with pinion gears 27 ( FIGS. 3 and 4 ) formed on the rear ends of both crankshafts 21 . The drive train provides a ratio of the gear teeth of the annular gear to the pinion gears appropriate to efficiency of the fluid pressurization. Advantageously, the gear ratio is equal to twice the number of pistons in each body 8 . For example, in a typical two-piston device, the gear tooth ratio of the annular gear to the pinion gears is 4:1 so that when the input shaft rotates one revolution clockwise, the crankshafts will rotate four revolutions (2 cycles). Similarly, the gear tooth ratio can be any whole number equal to 3, 4, 6 or 8 in which case the crankshaft rotation for each revolution of the input shaft will be 6:1, 8:1, 12:1 and 16:1 respectively.
[0043] As the input shaft 4 and crankshafts 21 concurrently rotate, the pistons 19 reciprocate in their piston chambers due to the rotation of crankshafts 21 . The reciprocation of the pistons is synchronized to achieve suction and discharge of pressurized fluid. 」(段落[0041]ないし[0043])

カ.「[0044] As an example, the operation sequence of the device as a compressor is shown in FIGS. 13 and 14 which illustrate two pistons in each block 8 .
[0045] During the suction stroke in the first piston chamber ( FIGS. 13A, B , C), the piston chambers pass the suction port while the piston moves downwards accordingly to suck the fluid into its piston chamber. When the piston completes its downward travel, the suction stroke is completed. At the same time the second body is operated in the discharge stroke ( FIGS. 14D, E , F).
[0046] The discharge stroke of the first body ( FIGS. 14G, H ) occurs when the piston chambers continue moving around the axis of rotation of the input shaft while the crankshafts drive the pistons to move upwards to apply pressure to the fluid. At the same time the second compressor block is operating in the suction stroke ( FIGS. 14I, J ).」(段落[0044]ないし[0046])
[0046]第1の環状体の排気行程(図14Gには、H)中でピストン室は、クランク軸が入力軸を中心に運動を続け、同時にクランク軸がピストンを駆動し上昇させて流体を排出させる。同時に、第2のコンプレッサのブロックは、(図14I、J)は吸気行程で動作する。」(なお、 図14DないしJは、図13DないしJの明らかな誤記。)


キ.上記ウ.[0030]「・・・(略)・・・ロータRは入力軸4を備え、原動機としての電動モータ(図示せず)によって軸の回転軸周りに駆動される。二者択一的に加圧流体を吸入ポート6へ入力することによって軸4に動力を出力させる流体モータとして使用することができる。」との記載から、 引用文献に記載された装置を、電動モータにより入力軸4を回転駆動させて、ロータリ圧縮機またはポンプとして機能させるほか、吸入ポート6へ加圧流体を入力することで、軸4から駆動力を得る流体モータとして機能させることができることがわかる。




審理終結日 2011-01-05 
結審通知日 2011-01-07 
審決日 2011-01-18 
出願番号 特願2005-315804(P2005-315804)
審決分類 P 1 8・ 121- Z (F01B)
最終処分 不成立  
前審関与審査官 石黒 雄一  
特許庁審判長 小谷 一郎
特許庁審判官 鈴木 貴雄
柳田 利夫
発明の名称 ロータリ流体原動機  
代理人 吉田 裕  
代理人 浅村 肇  
代理人 浅村 皓  

プライバシーポリシー   セキュリティーポリシー   運営会社概要   サービスに関しての問い合わせ