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審決分類 審判 査定不服 特17条の2、3項新規事項追加の補正 特許、登録しない。 A61K
審判 査定不服 2項進歩性 特許、登録しない。 A61K
審判 査定不服 4号2号請求項の限定的減縮 特許、登録しない。 A61K
管理番号 1309884
審判番号 不服2012-9689  
総通号数 195 
発行国 日本国特許庁(JP) 
公報種別 特許審決公報 
発行日 2016-03-25 
種別 拒絶査定不服の審決 
審判請求日 2012-05-24 
確定日 2016-02-04 
事件の表示 特願2000-563262「粘膜保護用医薬としてのホスファチジルコリン」拒絶査定不服審判事件〔平成12年 2月17日国際公開、WO00/07577、平成14年 7月23日国内公表、特表2002-522381〕について、次のとおり審決する。 
結論 本件審判の請求は、成り立たない。 
理由 第1 手続の経緯
本願は,1999年8月6日(パリ条約による優先権主張 1998年8月6日(DE)ドイツ,1998年12月15日(DE)ドイツ)を国際出願日とする出願であって,平成21年12月2日付けの拒絶理由通知に対して,平成22年5月25日に意見書,手続補正書が提出され,同年9月7日付けの最後の拒絶理由通知に対して,平成23年3月8日に意見書,手続補正書が提出されたが,平成24年1月16日付けで補正却下の決定がなされるとともに同日付けで拒絶査定がなされた。これに対して同年5月24日に拒絶査定不服審判の請求がなされるとともに手続補正がなされ,同年10月15日付けで手続補正書(方式)が提出され,同年10月16日付けで手続補足書が提出され,平成25年9月20日付けの審尋に対し,同年12月24日に回答書が提出されたものである。

第2 平成24年5月24日付けの手続補正についての補正却下の決定


1 補正後の本願発明


2 補正の適否








「本発明の主題は,結腸で粘膜保護効果を達成するのに充分な治療上の有効量でのホスファチジルコリンを含む医薬である。最終製剤の活性物質の含量は,1?500mgであり,100?300mgが好ましい。経口の適用のために適した剤形は,錠剤,顆粒剤,カプセル剤,ペレット剤,または粒剤(pellet tablets)である。製剤の形は,さらに,支持体または担体物質などの通常の医薬的添加剤を含むことができる。直腸の適用のために,おもに適した製剤は,浣腸,泡沫剤,軟膏,ゲル剤,ローション剤,および座剤である。これらは活性物質を10mg?10gの量で含み,好ましくは,5gまでである。疾患の重篤度に従って,剤は,1日に1回または数回適用される。」


第3 本願発明について
1 本願発明


2 引用刊行物とその記載事項

(1)原査定の拒絶の理由に引用された本願の優先日前に頒布された刊行物1(Digestion, 1992, Vol.53, No.1-2, p.35-44:原査定の引用文献1)には,以下の事項が記載されている。なお,訳文は当審によるものであり,下線は当審が付したものである。

(刊1-1)「Effects of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol on acetic-acid-induced colitis in the rat.
The therapeutic effects of exogenous phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol on acetic acid-induced colitis in rats were evaluated. A uniform colitis developed 4 days after instillation of 4% acetic acid for 15 s in an excluded colonic segment, also resulting in a 6-fold increase in mucosal permeability. Instillation of 12.5 mg phosphatidylcholine once daily from the day after acetic acid instillation and for the following 2 days prevented partially the development of colitis causing partial mucosal restoration. By increasing the phosphatidylcholine dose to 25 and 50 mg, a better preventive effect was achieved. By starting the phosphatidylcholine instillation immediately after the acetic acid exposure, almost complete prevention of the colitis could be obtained. Similarly, 50 mg phosphatidylinositol in each instillation with the first administration immediately after acetic acid administration resulted in complete prevention of the colitis and a significant decrease in mucosal permeability expressed as a plasma exudation into the colonic lumen. Similar results were obtained when phosphatidylcholine was administered immediately after acetic acid, but the drug then had to be applied twice daily. In contrast, a single application of the same total dose (150 mg) of the two different phospholipids, either 30 min before or immediately after acetic acid administration, could not prevent the development of colitis. It is concluded that both phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol have a therapeutic effect on the development of acetic acid-induced colitis in the rat.」(35頁の表題およびAbstract欄)

(刊1-2)「The optimal mode of treatment of colitis including ulcerative colitis remains to be found, although several studies have been performed in order to improve the therapeutic possibilities [1-5]. Phospholipids are the main constituent of surface-active materials and are of potential interest in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases. In previous studies we have demonstrated good prevention against peritoneal adhesions by intraperitoneal application of phospholipids [6].
Furthermore, extrinsic surface-active phospholipid and prostaglandin E2 analogues have been applied for gastric cytoprotection [7-9]. Prostaglandin El and E2 analogues have been used with good results in colonic mucosal protection in experimental colitis [3,10]. The cytoprotective effect of prostaglandins has been shown to be, at least partly, mediated by a localized increase in phospholipid concentration [8]. However, it remains to be proven whether extrinsic phospholipids alone may act cytoprotectively on colonic mucosa and, consequently, whether phospholipids may enhance the restoration of a colonic mucosal injury in colitis.
In a previous study we have shown that acetic acid in a dosage of 4% for 15 s administered into an excluded segment of the colon induced a uniform colitis as evaluated on the 4th day after acetic acid instillation [11]. Furthermore the induced colitis showed some pathological, similarities with human ulcerative colitis [11]. In the present study, we used the same model to evaluate the potential beneficial effects of two defined phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylinositol (PI).」(36頁左欄)

(刊1-3)「Experimental Schedule
In all experiments, phospholipids were instilled into the excluded colonic segment in a volume of 5 ml through the upper colostomy aperture (the lower aperture was anchored for l min. In the third and fourth experimental series, phospholipids were instilled at a volume of 2.5 ml. The phospholipids were not washed out after instillation.」(36頁右欄下から8行?同欄最下行)

Control Groups
In control colitis rats, the excluded colonic segment showed on the 4th day after acetic acid instillation pathological features of colitis with mild-to-moderate signs of ulceration, inflammatory cell infiltration, crypt abscesses, dilated vessels and edema, and the total morphological score was 14.7 ± 0.6 (fig.1a). In contrast control healthy rats had only mild edema and sometimes dilated vessels, and the total morphological score was 1.5 ± 0.2 (fig. lb). Mucosal permeability increased from 0.24 ± 0.05 in control healthy rats to 1.43 ± 0.17 μl/min/g dry weight in the control colitis rats (p <0.001; table1).」(37頁右欄下から11行?39頁左欄5行)

(刊1-5)「Effects of PC
Effect of Different Doses of PC. PC induced a dose-dependent restoration of the colonic mucosa as evaluated the 4th day after acetic acid administration (table 1). A slight mucosal restoration was seen after treatment with PC at a dose level of 2.5 mg/ml for 3 days starting the day after colitis induction. However, when using this low dose, ulceration and active colitis was still evident and the total morphological score was 10.5 ± 0.6. At a dose level of 5 mg/ml, the mucosa was better preserved than after 2.5 mg/ml, and the number of healing cyst was lower. At a dose level of 10 mg/ml, a colonic mucosal restoration was evident with a clear reduction of ulceration. However, mucin hyposecretion, abscesses, submucosal edema and infiltration of inflammatory cells were still seen, and the total morphological score was 8.3 ± 0.6 (fig.Ic). The dose-response relationship was highly significant (rs = 0.830, p<0.001; Spearman's rank correlation coefficient).」(39頁左欄6行?同頁右欄最下行)

(刊1-6)「Effects of PC Administered at Different Time Points. Instillation of 10mg/ml of PC immediately after acetic acid instillation and for 2 consecutive days improved the results as compared with those which could be seen when the treatment was initiated the day after acetic acid instillation (table 1). In fact, the colonic mucosa showed an almost complete recovery on the 4th day after induction of colitis when PC treatment started immediately after acetic acid instillation (fig. 1d). However, mild inflammatory cell infiltration, cysts, mild edema and vessel dilatation were still seen, and the total morphological score was 4.5 ± 0.4. Initiating treatment immediately before acetic acid instillation did not improve the results as compared with PC administration starting the day after acetic acid instillation. By using the same dose of PC (10 mg/ml, for 3 days), but dividing the daily dose into two administration times (2.5 ml twice daily) and starting the treatment immediately after acetic acid instillation, the results were further improved and complete mucosal restoration was achieved as evaluated 4 days after colitis induction with the total morphological score being 3.0 ± 0.4 (fig. le). Furthermore, mucosal permeability decreased significantly by this mode of treatment (PC 2.5 ml twice daily for 3 days), though it remained significantly higher than that in the control healthy rats.
The time-dependent response relationship was highly significant (rs=0.947, p<<0.001; Spearman's rank correlation coefficient).」(40頁左欄1行?同頁右欄13行)

(刊1-7)「Effect of a Single Dose of PC. A single dose of PC of 150mg (30 mg/ml, 5 ml) administered 30 min before colitis induction did not protect the mucosa from the development of colitis. In fact, 4 days after acetic acid administration, partly healed ulcers, inflammatory cysts and mucin atrophy were seen, and the total morphological score was 11.0 ± 0.6.
Furthermore, the same single dose of PC of 150 mg (30 mg/ml 5 ml) administered immediately after colitis induction had a slightly restorative effect on the mucosa. Despite signs of epithelial regeneration, active inflammation with inflammatory cysts, edema and dilated vessels in the submucosa were still seen.」(40頁右欄14行?41頁左欄7行)

(刊1-8)「Fig. 1. Each photo is representative for changes in a colonic muscosa within a group of 6 rats evaluated on the 4th day after operation and acetic acid instillation (except for control normal rats which received normal saline). HE. ×25.
a Control colitis rat; ulceration, disappearance of glands with mucous cell depletion, cyst formation, abscesses, moderate inflammatory cell infiltration, edema and dilatation of vessels in the sub-mucosa are seen.
b Control normal rat; normal mucosa with absence of ulceration and inflammation, substantial mucin production within the glands and slight edema in the submucosa are seen.
c Rat treated with PC of l0 mg/ml once daily for 3 days starting 1 day after colitis induction; mucosa without ulceration, but mucin hyposecretion, abscesses, inflammatory cell infiltration and slight edema in the submucosa are seen.
d Rat treated with PC immediately once daily for 3 days; mucosa without ulceration, few cysts, mild inflammatory cell infiltration and mild edema in the submucosa are seen.
e Rat treated with PC immediately twice daily for 3 days; well-preserved mucosa without ulceration, mild edema and vessel dilatation in the submucosa are seen.」(38頁)
a コントロール結腸炎ラット;潰瘍,粘膜細胞損失を伴う腺の消失,嚢胞形成,膿瘍,軽度の炎症性細胞浸潤,粘膜下組織に浮腫と管の拡張が見られる。
b コントロール正常ラット;潰瘍と炎症のない正常な粘膜と,腺中の十分な粘液生産量と,粘膜下組織のわずかな浮腫が見られる。
c 結腸炎誘導の1日後に開始した3日間の1日1回10mg/mlのPC処置ラット;粘膜に潰瘍はなく,しかし,粘液分泌不全,膿瘍,炎症性細胞浸潤と粘膜下組織のわずかな浮腫が見られる。
d 結腸炎誘導直後から3日間1日1回PC処置したラット;粘膜に潰瘍はなく,嚢胞もほとんどなく,軽度の炎症性細胞浸潤と粘膜下組織の軽い浮腫が見られる。
e 結腸炎誘導直後から3日間1日2回PC処置したラット;潰瘍がなく状態の良い粘膜,粘膜下組織に軽い浮腫と管の拡張が見られる。」

(刊1-9)「Table l. The protective effect of PC on acetic acid-induced colitis in the rat

」(39頁Table l.)

A healthy colonic mucosa provides an efficient barrier between the potentially harmful environment and host integrity, This barrier is impaired in colitis which in turn triggers the luminal immune system with a subsequent release of inflammatory mediators, including arachidonic acid, derived from phospholipids [12]. It has been shown that the arachidonic acid metabolism is very similar in the acetic acid-induced colitis as compared with that seen in human inflammatory bowel disease [13]. This might imply that, although colitis can be triggered by a wide variety of stimuli, the same soluble proinflammatory factors mediate the final response [13]. Therefore, a high degree of similarity with regard to colonic morphology presumably exists regardless of the etiology of colitis. Moreover, other mechanisms known to be present in spontaneous human colitis, for example, increased mucosal permeability, altered vascularization and reduced activity of mucosal enzymes (e. g. carboxypeptidase)have been reported to occur also in acetic-acid-induced experimental colitis [14-16]. An experimental model of colitis, such as acetic acid-induced colitis, could therefore be a useful tool for screening potentially therapeutic agents.
As previously shown [11] and also confirmed in the present study, acetic acid instilled in an excluded colonic segment at a dose level of 4% for 15 s induces a uniform and reproducible colitis in the rat. This model shows some histopathological similarities with human ulcerative colitis and uniform features of the changes on the 4th day after acetic acid instillation. This time point was therefore selected for evaluating the effects of phospholipids in the present study. Furthermore, at this time point, colonic mucosal permeability (plasma exudation into the colon) increased 6-fold, which indicates a disruption of the protective barrier function of the colonic mucosa due to inflammation. This alteration in colonic permeability has been implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease [17]. Thus, the measurement of permeability is an indicator of mucosal impairment and inflammation.
A characteristic distribution of amphoteric surface-active phospholipids, chemically similar to pulmonary surfactant, exists on the colonic mucosa, also similar to what is found in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract [18].」(42頁左欄下から11行?同頁右欄最下行)

(刊1-11)「Each of the major surfactant species identified is present on the luminal lining along the gastrointestinal tract in amounts exceeding by far those needed to provide a monomolecular layer[18]. The phospholipids have a hydrophobic (amphophilic) character with good ability of boundary lubrication. It has been reported that a hydrophobic lining of the luminal surface has a functional role and provides protection of the mucosal epithelium against chemical and mechanical injuries [18]. Observations that the intact mucosa behaves as being hydrophobic, whereas the ulcerated mucosa does not[18, 19], and that the well-known 'barrier breakers', which dissolve or combine with phospholipids, remove this hydrophobicity[20], support these findings.
Therefore, it is possible that the application of phospholipids, such as PC and PI, could either protect the mucosal barrier against breaking by toxic material or support an already compromised barrier by covering the injured mucosa and prevent the further development of the consequent cascade of immunological changes that otherwise would occur.
In the present study, we found that both PC and PI, which are known to be highly surface-active membrane components [18, 21], have a clear therapeutic effect in acetic-acid-induced colitis in the rat. This effect was dose dependent and an optimal effect was achieved by increasing the daily dose up to 50 mg (5 ml of 10 mg/ml). Furthermore, initiating phospholipid treatment immediately after acid instillation resulted in the best effect on mucosal preservation. This might imply that initiating treatment as early as possible after mucosal injury is important, probably because the phospholipids block the immunological cascade which develops after insulting the mucosal barrier. The same total dose of PC and PI divided into 2 daily doses resulted in an improved result as compared with the administration once daily of the same total dose. 」(43頁左欄1行?同欄最下行)
本研究において,我々は,高い表面活性を有する膜成分として知られる[18,21],PCとPIがともに,ラットの酢酸誘導結腸炎において明確な治療効果を持つことに気付いた。この効果は用量依存であり,そして最適な効果が,1日量を50ミリグラム(10mg/mlを5ml)まで引き上げることによって,達成された。さらに,酸点滴液のすぐ後にリン脂質処理を始めることは粘膜保護に対する最も良い効果をもたらした。これは 粘膜損傷の後に可能な限り早く治療を始めることが重要であることを示唆するかもしれず,おそらくリン脂質が,粘膜バリアを損傷した後に発展する免疫カスケードを阻止するからであろう。2回の1日投与量に分けられたPCとPIの同じ総投与量は,同じ総投与量を1日1回適用する場合に比較して,改善された結果をもたらした。」

(刊1-12)「These findings might be due to a longer contact period between the phospholipids and the colonic mucosa when the phospholipids were administered twice daily. In line with this, we found by using the same total dose of phospholipids which resulted in complete restoration of the mucosa when applied for 3 consecutive days, but administered in a single dose immediately after acetic acid instillation, that only slight preservation on the mucosa could be achieved.
Thus, both kinds of phospholipids had therapeutic effects on acetic-acid-induced colitis in the rat. Furthermore, the effect was optimized by starting the treatment as early as possible after colitis induction and by applying these agents repeatedly. In contrast, using the same total dose of phospholipids which induced complete recovery after acetic acid-induced colitis, but administered before acetic acid instillation did not result in any beneficial, protective effect. This might imply that phospholipids affect the injured mucosa, but they have no effect on a healthy colonic mucosa.
Both kinds of phospholipids had similar restorative effects on the mucosa in acetic, acid-induced colitis. This effect might thus not be depending on the composition of phospholipids but would rather be due to the adsorption of a monolayer from both phospholipids on the injured mucosa. The difference between the liposomal PC dispersion and the vesicle type of PI dispersion is due to the zwitterionic nature of PC contrary to the negatively charged PI. This difference is not seen in the mucosal restorative effect.
We conclude that both PC and PI have restorative effects on the mucosa in acetic acid-induced colitis in rats. The potential beneficial effect of colonic administration of phospholipids in human ulcerative colitis, however, requires further investigations in a clinical situation.」(43頁右欄1行?同欄最下行)


(刊2-1)「The present invention provides a therapeutic method of treating inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) comprising locally administering to the rectum, colon and/or terminal ileum of a patient in need of such treatment, an amount of nicotine effective to reduce the symptoms of IBD. In one embodiment of the present method, the nicotine is administered orally, by means of a unit dosage form that selectively releases nicotine in the terminal ileum and/or colon of the patient. In another embodiment of the method, the nicotine can be effectively administered to the colon by rectal administration of an enema formulation or rectal foam comprising nicotine. Nicotine can also be delivered to the ileum or colon of an IBD patient by administration of an enterically coated unit dosage form. The present invention also provides a novel composition particularly suitable for the colonic administration of nicotine comprising crosslinked polyacrylic acid polymers complexed with nicotine.」(3頁18行?4頁1行)

(刊2-2)「In a further preferred embodiment, nicotine is administered via oral ingestion. The effective amount of nicotine can be locally administered to the colon of the patient by oral ingestion of a unit dosage form such as a pill, tablet or capsule, comprising an effective amount of nicotine which is enterically coated so as to be released from the unit dosage form in the lower intestinal tract, e.g., in the ileum and in the colon of the patient. Enteric coatings remain intact in the stomach, but will dissolve and release the contents of the dosage form once it reaches the region where the pH is optimal for dissolution of the coating used. The purpose of an enteric coating is to substantially delay the release of the nicotine until it reaches its target site of action in the ileum or colon. Since nicotine locally administered to the colonic tissue in this fashion is only about 20% absorbed in the bloodstream (based on rectal administration), the systemic side-effects of nicotine can be avoided or minimized.
Aqueous film-coating technology is employed for the enteric coating of pharmaceutical dosage forms. Delayed-released oral nicotine dosage forms have the potential advantage of delivering nearly all the nicotine to the ileum or colon in an easily administered form which can theoretically avoid the increased systemic rectal abso#tion seen with enemas. In addition, enterically coated nicotine will not have the dermatologic side effects directly related to patch delivery.
Thus, a useful enteric coating is one that remains intact in the low pH environment of the stomach, but readily dissolved when the optimum dissolution pH of the particular coating is reached. This can vary between pH 3 to 7.5 depending upon the chemical composition of the enteric coating, but is preferably between about pH 6.8 and pH 7.2. The thickness of the coating will depend upon the solubility characteristics of the coating material and the site to be treated.
The most extensively used polymer for enteric coating is cellulose acetate phthalate (CAP). However, CAP has an optimum dissolution pH greater than 6. thus early drug release may occur. Another useful polymer is polyvinyl acetate phthalate (PVAP) which is less permeable to moisture and gastric fluid, more stable to hydrolysis and able to dissolve at a lower pH. which could also result in early release of nicotine in the doudenum.
Another available polymer is hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate. This has similar stability to PVAP and dissociates in the same pH range. Further examples of currently used polymers are those based on methacrylic acid, e.g.. methacrylic acid ester copolymers with acidic ionizable groups, such as Eudragit L. S or LS and mixtures thereof, the choice dependent upon the site of required dissolution of the coating. Dosage forms coated with Eudragit, which dissolve in the ileum at about pH 6.8. and in the terminal ileum and caecum at about pH 7.2, have been developed for the delivery of 5-aminosalicylic acid, and can be used in accordance with the present invention.」(7頁1行?8頁9行)
利用できるもう1つのポリマーは,ヒドロキシプロピルメチルセルロースフタレートである。これはPVAPと同等の安定性を持ち,同じpH域で解離する。現在使用されているポリマーのもう1つの例は,メタクリル酸系のポリマー,例えばユードラジット(Eudragit)L,SまたはLSおよびそれらの混合物などといった酸性電離基を持つメタクリル酸エステルコポリマーであり,これらは求められる被覆剤の 溶解部位に応じて選択される。ほぼpH6.8の回腸内とほぼpH7.2の末端回腸および盲腸内で溶解するEudragitでコーティングされた製剤は5-アミノサリチル酸送達用に開発されており,これは本発明でも使用できる。」(9頁11行?10頁17行)



The present invention relates to novel spherical unit dosage forms to release therapeutic agents at a point near the inlet to, or within the colon.

Release of therapeutically active agents in the colon from a perorally administered dosage form is desirable in several situations, including: (1) topical treatment of diseases of the colon such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, carcinomas, and infection in which systemic absorption of the therapeutic agent is neither required or desired; (2) systemic absorption of therapeutic agents such as peptides and proteins which are subject to lumenal degradation in the stomach and small intestine; and (3) systemic absorption of therapeutic agents for which peak systemic concentrations and pharmacological activity are desired at time significantly delayed from the time of peroral administration (i.e., peak plasma concentrations in the early morning just prior to arising, from a peroral dosage form ingested at bedtime). Colonic release of therapeutically active agents from a perorally administered dosage form requires that release of said agent for topical activity or systemic absorption be prevented in the stomach and small intestine, but permitted in the colon. This in turn requires design of the dosage form to be such that it takes advantage of features of the gastrointestinal tract that indicate arrival of the dosage form in the colon, relative to other portions of the gastrointestinal tract (M. Ashford and J. T. Fell, J. Drug Targeting, 1994, 2:241-258). Variable features include pH, ionic strength, apparent velocity, and bacterial content of the lumenal contents of the several anatomical portions of the gastrointestinal tract as well as the residence time of a pharmaceutical unit dosage form therein (M. Ashford and J. T. Fell, J. Drug Targeting, 1994, 2:241-258; S. S. Davis, J. Contr. Rel., 1985, 2:27-38).」(1頁1?35行)
経口的に投与された投薬形態からの治療活性剤の放出は,いくつかの状況において望ましく,これには,(1)結腸疾患,例えば便秘,過敏性大腸症候群(IBS),クローン病,潰瘍性大腸炎,癌及び,治療剤の全身吸収が要求され又は所望されない感染の局所的治療;(2)胃及び小腸において内腔分解に付されるペプチド及びタンパク質のような治療剤の全身吸収;並びに(3)全身性最大濃度及び医薬的活性のピークが経口投与時から有意に遅れた時間において所望される(即ち,就寝時に摂取された経口投薬形態から,起床直前の早朝に最大血漿濃度となる)治療剤の全身吸収,が含まれる。経口投与された投薬形態からの治療活性剤の結腸放出は,局所活性又は全身吸収のためのこの薬剤の放出が,胃及び小腸の内部では阻止されるが,結腸内で可能となることを要求する。これは次に,消化管の他の部位と比較して,結腸において投薬形態の到着を示す消化管の特徴(M. Ashford 及び J. T. Fell, J. Drug Targeting,1994, 2: 241-258)を利用するようになるための投薬形態の計画を要求する。可変的な特徴には,消化管のいくつかの解剖的部位の内腔内容物のpH,イオン強度,見かけの速度及び細菌濃度と,そこでの医薬単位投薬形態の滞留時間が含まれる(M. Ashford 及び J. T. Fell,J. Drug Targeting. 1994, 2: 241-258; S. S. Davis,J. Contr. Rel., 1985, 2: 27-38)。」(5頁2?23行)

(刊3-2)「The pH profile of the lumenal contents of the gastrointestinal tract has also been characterized and found to be relatively consistent (D.F. Evans, G. Pye, R. Bramley, A. G. Clark, and T. J. Dyson, Gut, 1988, 29:1035-1041 ). The pH of the stomach may vary temporarily with prandial state, but is generally below about pH 2. The pH of the small intestine gradually increases from about 5 to 5.5 in the duodenal bulb to about 7.2 in the distal portions of the small intestine (ileum). The pH drops significantly at the ileocecal junction to about 6.3 and very gradually increases to about 7 in the left or descending colon.
A distinguishing feature of the colon relative to other portions of the gastrointestinal tract is the presence of exogenous bacteria. These are capable of enzymatically catalyzing reactions of which the host animal is incapable.
It has been recognized in general that dosage forms designed for colonic release may employ one of the following features to indicate arrival of the dosage form in the colon, relative to other portions of the gastrointestinal tract: (1) the generally increasing pH profile of the lumenal contents up to the ileocecal junction; (2) the relatively constant small intestinal transit time of a pharmaceutical unit dosage form (compensating for the highly variable stomach residence time); and (3) the presence of exogenous bacteria in the colon (M. Ashford and J. T. . Fell, J. Drug Targeting, 1994, 2:241-258).
Dosage forms employing the generally increasing pH profile of the lumenal contents of the gastrointestinal tract as a design feature to indicate colonic arrival typically employ film coatings of enteric polymers. These enteric polymers are polyanionic polymers which are insoluble in water and at low pHs, but begin to dissolve at pHs of about 5. Commercially available enteric polymers begin to dissolve within the pH range of about 5 to 7.
Examples of the use of this type of rationale to design dosage forms for delivery to the colon include: USP No. 5,171,580, issued Dec. 15 1992, Boehringer Ingelheim Italia, which teaches a preparation for delivery in the large intestine and especially the colon, comprising an active containing core coated with three protection layers of coatings having different solubilities. The inner layer is Eudragit# S, with a coating thickness of about 40-120 microns, the intermediate coating layer is a swellable polymer with a coating thickness of about 40-120 microns, and the outer layer is cellulose acetate phthalate, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose phthalate, polyvinyl acetate phthalate, hydroxyethyl cellulose phthalate, cellulose acetate tetrahydrophthalate, or Eudragit#L.
USP No. 4,910,021 , issued on March 20, 1990, Scherer Corp., which teaches a targeted delivery system wherein the composition comprises a hard or soft gelatin capsule containing an active ingredient such as insulin and an absorption promoter. The capsule is coated with a film forming composition being sufficiently soluble at a pH above 7 as to be capable of permitting the erosion or dissolution of said capsule. The film forming composition is preferably a mixture of Eudragit# L, Eudragit# RS, and Eudragit# S at specific ratios to provide solubility above a pH of 7. Coating levels above what is known in the art are not disclosed.」(2頁8行?3頁18行)
(訳文)「消化管の内腔内容物のpH分布も,また特徴的であり,比較的不変であることがわかっている(D. F. Evans,G. Pye,R. Bramley,A. G. Clark 及び T. Dyson,Gut, 1988, 29: 1035-1041)。胃のpHは,食事の状態によって一時的に変動し得るが,一般に約pH2以下である。小腸のpHは,十二指腸球部での約5?5.5から,小腸の遠位部分(回腸)での約7.2まで緩やかに上昇する。pHは,回盲連結部で約6.3に有意に下降し,残りの又は下行結腸で約7までかなり緩やかに上昇する。
一般に,結腸放出のために計画された投薬形態は,消化管の他の部位と比較して結腸内での投薬形態の到着を示す下記の特徴:即ち,(1)回盲連結部までの内腔内容物の一般的なpH分布の上昇;(2)医薬単位投薬形態の比較的一定な小腸移動時間(かなり変動可能な胃の滞留時間を補正している);及び(3)結腸内部での外因性細菌の存在,のうちの1つを用い得ると認識されている(M. Ashford 及び J. T. Fell, J. Drug argeting, 1994, 2: 241-258)。
結腸へのデリバリーのための計画投薬形態について,このタイプの論理的根拠を用いた例には,Boehringer Ingelheim Italiaの1992年12月15日発行の米国特許第5,171,580号が含まれ,これは,大腸及び特に結腸におけるデリバリーのための調製を教示しており,異なる溶解性を有する3つの保護層の被覆物で被覆されたコアを含有する活性物を含んでいる。内層は,約40-120μmの被覆厚を有する Eudragit(商品名)S であり,中間被覆層は,約40-120μmの被覆厚を有する膨張可能なポリマーであり,外層は,セルロースアセテートフタレート,ヒドロキシプロピルメチルセルロースフタレート,ポリビニルアセテートフタレート,ヒドロキシエチルセルロースフタレート,セルロースアセテートテトラヒドロフタレート又は Eudragit(商品名)L である。
1990年3月20日発行の Scherer Corp.の米国特許第4,910,021号は,標的化デリバリーシステムを教示しており,ここで,この組成物は,インシュリンのような活性配合剤と吸収促進剤とを包含する硬質又は軟質ゼラチンカプセルを含む。このカプセルは,該カプセルの浸蝕又は溶解を可能にすることができるように,7を越えるpHで十分溶解するフィルム形成組成物で被覆されている。フィルム形成組成物は,好ましくは,Eudragit(商品名)L,Eudragit(商品名)RS 及び Eudragit(商品名)S の特別な割合の混合物であり,7を越えるpHでの溶解性をもたらす。当分野で既知のものを越える被覆レベルは,開示されていない。」(6頁3行?7頁12行)

(刊3-3)「The inventors have discovered that the amounts of enteric polymer required to delay release of the therapeutic agent for a time approximately corresponding to the residence time in the small intestine can be determined by 1. a knowledge of the dissolution behavior of the selected enteric polymer as a function of the size of the dosage form and the pH and velocity of an aqueous medium, and 2. by an estimation of the pH and apparent velocity of the lumenal contents of the sequential anatomical segments of the small intestine and colon. Since final dissolution of the enteric coating is desired to occur in the colon, the enteric polymer comprising the coating of the unit dosage form must be selected and applied to the dosage form such that the coating will be soluble in the proximal portion of the colon, or at a maximum pH of about 6.3. As described below, the amounts of enteric polymer required to achieve the requisite delay in release of the therapeutic agent are greatly in excess of those revealed in the prior art.」(6頁21?35行)

3 刊行物1記載の発明

4 対比
本願発明の「結腸における粘膜保護用医薬」は,例えば明細書に「本発明は,結腸および終末回腸(terminal ileum)(回腸嚢粘膜を含む)でのホスファチジルコリンの粘膜保護効果が有利となるような,疾患治療上,充分な量で,活性物質としてホスファチジルコリンを含む医薬に関する。」(段落【0001】),「本発明の主題は,結腸で粘膜保護効果を達成するのに充分な治療上の有効量でのホスファチジルコリンを含む医薬である。」(段落【0012】)等と記載されるように,ホスファチジルコリンの,結腸での粘膜保護作用に基づく医薬用途であることが明らかである。




5 判断

上記「4 対比」で検討したとおり,引用発明の「結腸における粘膜保護用剤」は,ラットの酢酸誘導結腸炎をモデルとして評価された,ホスファチジルコリンの結腸での粘膜保護用途であり,当該モデルにおいては,一定の投与濃度と投与量で結腸粘膜損傷を修復していることから,結腸粘膜損傷治癒のための有効濃度が適用されているといえる。
なお,刊行物1は,ホスファチジルコリンを「薬(the drug)」(摘示(刊1-1)),「これらの薬剤(these agents)」(摘示(刊1-12))とも記載しており,そのような態様を,本願発明では,「医薬」として認識したに過ぎないともいえる。

本願発明の「pHに依存する遅延放出形態」について,明細書には「経口の適用では,このような遅らせる形態で活性物質を放出する(遅延製剤)医薬が,特に適している。この活性物質放出の遅延は,胃酸に耐性で,活性物質をpH依存形態で下部の回腸または結腸に放出するカバーシールドおよび/または担体マトリックスによって,最も有効に達成される。」(段落【0009】),「経口で適用するホスファチジルコリンの製剤のために,近位の小腸での吸収を防ぐために遅延放出型を用いることが有利である。ホスファチジルコリンは,大きい容量の(例えば,0.88ml含量)カプセル(例えば,ゼラチン製)に詰め込むことができる。これらを,例えば前述のEudragit(登録商標)製剤などのアリールポリマーで被覆してもよい。Eudragit(登録商標)SおよびL製剤の組み合わせ(例えば,Eudragit(登録商標)L/S 100)によって,終末回腸においてそうであるようなpH>6.4での遅延放出が保証される。Eudragit(登録商標)製剤およびそれらの混合物(L,S,およびR製剤)の使用は,ずいぶん前から確立されている。加えて,課題に対する最良の解決を提供することが示される場合,終末回腸でのホスファチジルコリンの特異的な放出のために,他のカバーシールド材料または適用剤形が(新開発も)用いられ得る。」(段落【0010】)と記載されており,経口で適用したホスファチジルコリンを,結腸において作用させることを目的としていることが理解される。



仮に,これらが特定されたとしても,刊行物1には,上記「5 判断」で示したとおり,粘膜損傷が関与する結腸疾患の患者の治療に対する有用性が,「臨床的状況でのさらなる調査を必要とする」とはいえ,期待できるものとして記載されており,甲第1?5号証の記載をみても,本願優先日当時において,当業者が刊行物1のモデルを不適当なものと認識していたことは示されていない。なお,酢酸誘導結腸炎モデルを批判的に記述する甲第2号証は2008年発行のものであり,本出願よりかなり後の知見である。

しかしながら,上記「5 判断 (3)効果について」で述べたとおり,実施例(例1?3)はいずれもMDR3類似タンパク質の発現に関するものであり,ホスファチジルコリンを用いていないばかりか,ホスファチジルコリンの「不充分な量」を確認するものでもない(段落【0022】?【0032】)。明細書の他の箇所をみても,リン脂質トランスポーターであるMDR3関連タンパク質と,潰瘍性大腸炎患者の関係は示されているものの(段落【0013】?【0020】),「患者へのホスファチジルコリンの投与が結腸のルーメンの治療や保護となる」ことは,本願の明細書の記載において確認できない。



6 むすび
審理終結日 2014-05-20 
結審通知日 2014-05-27 
審決日 2014-06-11 
出願番号 特願2000-563262(P2000-563262)
審決分類 P 1 8・ 572- Z (A61K)
P 1 8・ 561- Z (A61K)
P 1 8・ 121- Z (A61K)
最終処分 不成立  
前審関与審査官 福井 悟伊藤 基章  
特許庁審判長 村上 騎見高
特許庁審判官 安藤 倫世
渕野 留香
発明の名称 粘膜保護用医薬としてのホスファチジルコリン  
代理人 井関 勝守  
代理人 田中 米藏  

プライバシーポリシー   セキュリティーポリシー   運営会社概要   サービスに関しての問い合わせ