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審決分類 審判 査定不服 2項進歩性 特許、登録しない。 H03B
管理番号 1139346
審判番号 不服2003-2244  
総通号数 80 
発行国 日本国特許庁(JP) 
公報種別 特許審決公報 
発行日 2002-07-02 
種別 拒絶査定不服の審決 
審判請求日 2003-02-12 
確定日 2006-07-04 
事件の表示 特願2000-556442「正弦波の合成」拒絶査定不服審判事件〔平成11年12月29日国際公開、WO99/67877、平成14年7月2日国内公表、特表2002-519881〕について、次のとおり審決する。 
結論 本件審判の請求は、成り立たない。 
理由 1 手続の経緯・本願発明

2 引用刊行物記載の発明
(1) 「This invention relates in general to devices for generating sinusoidally varying electrical signals and more particularly pertains to apparatus for generating an electrical signal whose periodic variations adhere precisely to the functions of a sine wave and in which the amplitude of the periodic variations is determined by a reference D.C. voltage.」(第1頁第1欄第10〜16行)
(2) 「The primary object of the invention is to provide apparatus for generating precise electrical sine waves whose fundamental frequency can be selected over a broad frequency range and in which harmonics generated with the fundamental are removed by one of a small number of filters which need not be tunable.」(第1頁第1欄第52〜57行)
(3) 「A systematic arrangement of the invention is shown by the block diagram od FIG.3. The basic frequency determining component of the invention is a pulse generator which acts as the clock in the invention. Generator 2 is a mechanism of a type which periodically emits an electrical pulse, the pulse being analogous to the tick of a mechanical clock. The rate at which pulses are emitted by the generator is known as the pulse repetition frequency and the generator is constructed to permit that repetition frequency to be varied over a wide range.」(第3頁第6欄第65〜75行)
(4) 「The pulses emitted by the block are impressed upon a pattern generator 4 which in response to the block pulses puts out a sequence of switching signals. Pattern generator 4 can be constructed from a plurality of bistable circuits, arranged to provide signals in a desired sequence. The switching signals emitted by the pattern generator are impressed upon current switch set 6 to cause the switch set to provide an electrical current having a stepped waveform of the type depicted in FIG.2. That waveform, as previously explained, has sinusoidal components which are the fundamental and only very high order harmonics. The stepped current waveform is fed to the summing junction of an operational amplifier8.」(第4頁第7欄第1〜14行)
(5) 「For expository purposess, it is assumed that each of the signals put out by pattern generator 4 is at one of two D.C. levels, the levels being +3 volts and -3 volts. It is to be understood that the pattern generator puts out five parallel signals which are supplied to input terminals 16a to 16e respectively. The pattern generator is arranged to cause those five signals to shift their D.C. levels in the sequence set out in the truth table of FIG.5. In accordance with conventional binary notation, the binary 1 represents the +3 volt levels and the binary 0 represents the -3 volt level. In the truth table, the increments 1 through 20 correspond to the identicallynumbered time increments in FIG.2, a time increment in the waveform of FIG.2 being the width of each pulse, excepting increments 1,10,11,and 20, which are half the normal pulse width.」(第4頁第8欄第4〜19行)


3 対比
(1) 本願発明では、上記「クロック信号を生成する発振器」が「アナログ入力制御電気信号中の変化の結果としてその出力クロック信号周波数に変化を生成するように構成され、連続する周波数範囲に渡ってクロック信号を生成する」のに対して、引用発明では、そのような点については明示がない点。

4 当審の判断

5 むすび
審理終結日 2006-01-31 
結審通知日 2006-02-06 
審決日 2006-02-17 
出願番号 特願2000-556442(P2000-556442)
審決分類 P 1 8・ 121- Z (H03B)
最終処分 不成立  
前審関与審査官 東 昌秋畑中 博幸小林 正明  
特許庁審判長 藤内 光武
特許庁審判官 竹井 文雄
工藤 一光
発明の名称 正弦波の合成  
代理人 宍戸 嘉一  
代理人 今城 俊夫  
代理人 村社 厚夫  
代理人 箱田 篤  
代理人 中村 稔  
代理人 熊倉 禎男  
代理人 西島 孝喜  
代理人 大塚 文昭  
代理人 小川 信夫  

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