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審決分類 審判 査定不服 5項独立特許用件 特許、登録しない。 G06F
審判 査定不服 2項進歩性 特許、登録しない。 G06F
管理番号 1257490
審判番号 不服2009-24502  
総通号数 151 
発行国 日本国特許庁(JP) 
公報種別 特許審決公報 
発行日 2012-07-27 
種別 拒絶査定不服の審決 
審判請求日 2009-12-11 
確定日 2012-05-23 
事件の表示 特願2006- 40828「イベント通知方法、携帯端末機及びサーバ」拒絶査定不服審判事件〔平成18年 9月 7日出願公開、特開2006-236346〕について、次のとおり審決する。 
結論 本件審判の請求は、成り立たない。 
理由 第1 手続きの経緯

第2 平成21年12月11日付けの手続補正の補正却下の決定



(1)原査定の拒絶の理由に引用された「NIEMI A.,Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Notification Throttle Mechanism,Internet-Draft draft-niemi-sipping-event-throttle-02.txt,2005年2月21日,URL,http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-niemi-sipping-event-throttle-02.txt」(以下、「引用例1」という。)には、図面とともに次の記載がある。
(ア)「1. Introduction

The SIP events framework [1] defines a generic framework for subscriptions to and notifications of events related to SIP systems. This framework defines the methods SUBSUCRIBE and NOTIFY, and introduces the concept of an event package, which is a concrete application of the SIP events framework to a particular class of events.

One of the things the SIP events framework mandates is that each event package specification defines an absolute maximum on the rate at which notifications are allowed to be generated by a single notifier. Such a limit is provided in order to reduce network congestion.」(第3/15頁第1行?第12行)


(イ)「3.1.1 Pre-conditions

A presence application in Lisa's mobile device contains a list of buddies or presentities. In order to decrease the processing and network load of watching 100 presentities, Lisa's presence application has included an event throttle to each of the subscriptions, limiting the maximum rate at which notifications are to be generated to once per 20 seconds.

Heikki is one of the presentities Lisa is watching. Heikki's presence agent conforms to the throttling policy requested by Lisa's presence application. The event package includes only full-state notifications.

3.1.2 Normal Flow

Heikki publishes a presence status of "red", which results in a presence notification to be sent to Lisa.

In 10 seconds, Heikki publishes a presence status of "blue". As the throttling policy set by Lisa only allows the presence agent to generate notifications at a maximum of once per 20 seconds, the notifications is put on hold.

After another 10 seconds, the notifications is allowed to be sent to Lisa.

Lisa receives a presence update conforming to the set throttling policy. 」(第4/15頁第6行?第27行)
3.1.1 プリコンディション



3.1.2 ノーマルフロー





(ウ)「3.2 Requirements

REQ1: The subscriber must be able to set using a throttle mechanism the minimum time period between two notifications in a specific subscription.

REQ2: The subscriber must be able to indicate that it requires the notifier to comply with the suggested throttling policy in a specific subscription.

REQ3: The notifier must be able to indicate that it does not support the use of a throttle mechanism in the subscription.

REQ4: It must be possible to use the throttle mechanism in subscriptions to all events.

REQ5: It must be possible to use the throttle mechanism together with any event filtering mechanism.

REQ6: The notifier must be allowed to use a throttling policy in which the minimum time period between two notifications is longer than the one given by the subscriber.

For example, due to congestion reasons, local policy at the notifier could temporarily dictate a throttling policy that effect increases the subscriber-configured minimum time period between two notifications.

REQ7: The throttle mechanism must provide a reasonable resolution for setting the minimum period between two notifications. At a minimum, the throttle mechanism must include discussion of the situation resulting from a minimum time period which exceeds the subscription duration, and should provide mechanisms for avoiding this situation.

REQ8: The throttle mechanism must allow for the application of authentication and integrity protection mechanism to subscriptions invoking that mechanism.」
3.2 必要条件(Requirements)










(エ)「3.3 Event Throttle Model

The notifier is responsible for sending out event notifications upon state changes of the subscribed resource. We can model the notifier as consisting of three components: the event state source S, the packetizer P and the output buffer Bo, as shown in Figure 5.

In short, the notifier reads event state changes from the event state source, package them into event notifications, and submits them into the output buffer. The rate at which this output buffer drains is controlled by the subscriber via event throttle mechanism.」(第7/15頁第13行?第21行)
3.3 イベント スロットル モデル



(オ)「3.4 Basic Operation

A subscriber that wants to limit the rate of event notification in a specific subscription does by suggesting a throttle as part of the SUBSCRIBE message. The throttle indicating the minimum time allowed between transmission of two consecutive notifications in a subscription is given as an Event header parameter in the SUBSCRIBE request.」(第8/15頁第4行?第10行)
3.4 基本オペレーション


(カ)「4.2.1 Subscriber Behavior

In general, the way in which a subscriber generates SUBSCRIBE requests and processes NOTIFY requests is according to RFC 3265 [1].

A subscriber that wishes to throttle the notifications in a subscription includes a "throttle" Event header parameter in the SUBSCRIBE request, indicating in seconds the desired throttle value.
The value of this parameter is an integral number of seconds in decimal.

In case the notifier dose not support the "event-throttle" extension, the subscriber SHOULD retry the subscription without that throttle extension present, unless doing so would overly burden the subscriber.

In this case the subscriber can resort to other means of limiting the notification rate. For example, instead of a subscription, it can fetch or poll the event state.

There are two main consequencies for the subscriber when applying the throttle mechanism:
state transitions may be lost, and event notifications may be delayed. If either of these side effects constitute a problem to the application that is to utilize event throttles, developers are instructed not to use the mechanism.」(第9/15頁第3行?第22行)
4.2.1 通知要請者(Subscriber)の振る舞い

一般に、通知要請者(subscriber)がSUBSCRIBE(通知要請)リクエストを生成し、NOTIFY(通知)リクエストを処理する方法は、RFC 3265[1]に従います。




スロットルメカニズムを適用する場合、通知要請者(subscriber)には、2つの主な結果があります:状態(ステート)推移が失われること、及びイベント通知が遅れることです。これらの副次的作用のどちらかによってイベントスロットルを利用するアプリケーションに問題が生じる場合、開発者はメカニズムを使用しないように命じられます。 )

(キ)「4.2.2 Notifier Behavior

In general, the way in which a notifier processes SUBSCRIBE requests and generates NOTIFY requests is according to RFC 3265 [1].

A notifier that supports the "event-throttle" extension extracts the value of the "throttle" Event header parameter, and uses it as the minimum time allowed between two notifications.

A compliant notifier MUST NOT generate notifications more frequent than what the throtlle allows for, except when generating the notification either upon receipt of a SUBSCRIBE request (the first notifications) or upon termination of the subscription (the last notifications). Such notifications reset the throttle timer, even though they do not need to abide by it.

Retransmissinons of NOTIFY requests are not affected by the throttle, i.e., the throttle only applies to the generation of new transactions. In other words, the throttle is reset only after the previous transaction has completed.

4.3 Selecting the Throttle Interval

Special care needs to be taken when selecting the throttle value. Using the throttle syntax it is possible to insist both very short and very long throttles to be applied to the subscription. For example, a throttle could potentially set a minimum time value between notifications that exceeds the subscription expiration value. Such a configuration would effectively quench the notifier, resulting in exactly two notifications to be generated.」(第9/15頁第23行?第10/15頁第13行)
4.2.2 通知者(Notifier)の振る舞い

一般に、通知者(notifier)がSUBSCRIBE(通知要請)リクエストを処理し、NOTIFY(通知)リクエストを発生する方法は、RFC 3265[1]によるものです。




4.3 スロットル間隔の選択



(2)原査定において参考文献として引用された「ROCH A B.,Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Notification,RFC 3265,The Internet Engineering Task Force (IFTF),2002年6月,URL,http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3265-02.txt」(以下、「引用例2」という。)には、図面とともに次の記載がある。
(ア)「3.1.1. Subscription Duration

SUBSCRIBE requests SHOULD contain an "Expires" header (defined in SIP [1]). This expires value indicates the duration of subscription. In order to keep subscriptions effective beyond the duration communicated in the "Expires" header, subscribers need to refresh subscriptions on a periodic basis using a new SUBSCRIBE message on the same dialog as defined in SIP [1].

If no "Expires" header is present in a SUBSCRIBE request, the implied default is defined by the event package being used.

200-class responses to SUBSCRIBE requests also MUST contain an "Expires" header. The period of time in the response MAY be shorter but MUST NOT be longer than specified in the request. The period of time in the response is the one which defines the duration of the subscription.

An "Expires" parameter on the "Contact" header has no semantics for SUBSCRIBE and is explicitly not equivalent to an "Expires" header in a SUBSCRIBE request or response.

A natural consequence of this scheme is that a SUBSCRIBE with an "Expires" of 0 constitutes a request to unsubscribe from an event.」(第5/32頁第11行?第29行)
3.1.1. 通知要請(Subscription)持続期間(Duration)



"Contact" ヘッダの"Expires"パラメータは、SUBSCRIBE(通知要請)のためのセマンティクス(判断基準)を持っておらず、SUBSCRIBE(通知要請)リクエストやレスポンス中の"Expires"ヘッダと等価でないことは明らかです。


(イ)「3.1.2. Identification of Subscribed Events and Event Classes

Identification of events is provided by three pieces of information: Request URI, Event Type, and (optionally) message body.

The Request URI of a SUBSCRIBE request, most importantly, contains enough information to route the request to the appropriate entity per the request routing procedures outlined in SIP [1]. It also contains enough information to identify the resource for which event notification is desired, but not necessarily enough information to uniquely identify the nature of the event (e.g., "sip:adam@dynamicsoft.com" would be an appropriate URI to subscribe to for my presence state; would also be an appropriate URI to subscribe to the state of my voice mailbox).

Subscribers MUST include exactly one "event" header in SUBSCRIBE requests, indicating to which event or class of events they are subscribing. The "event" header will contain a token which indicates the type of state for which a subscription is being requested. This token will be registered with the IANA and will correspond to an event package which further describes the semantics of the event or event class. The "event" header MAY also contain an "id" parameter. This "id" parameter, if present, contains an opaque token which identifies the specific subscription within a dialog. An "id" parameter is only valid within the scope of single dialog.

If the event package to which the event token corresponds defines behavior associated with the body of its SUBSCRIBE requests, those semantics apply.」(第5/32頁第30行?第6/32頁第24行)
3.1.2. 通知要請されたイベントとイベントクラスの識別





(ウ)「 Initial SUBSCRIBE Transaction Processing
In no case should a SUBSCRIBE transaction extend for any longer than the time necessary for automated processing. In particular, notifiers MUST NOT wait for a user response before returning a final response to a SUBSCRIBE request.


The notifier SHOULD check that the event package specified on the "event" header is understood. If not, the notifier SHOULD return a "489 Bad Event" response to indicate that the specified event/event class is not understood.

The notifier SHOULD also perform any necessary authentication and authorization per its local policy. See section

The notifier MAY also check that the duration in the "Expires" header is not too small. If and only if the expiration interval is greater than zero and smaller than one hour AND less than a notifier configured minimum, the notifier MAY return a "423 Interval too small" error which contains a "Min-Expires" header field. The "Min-Expires" header field is described in SIP [1].

If the notifier is able to immediately determine that it understands the event package, that the authenticated subscriber is authorized to subscribe, and that there are no other barriers to creating the subscription, it creates the subscription and a dialog (if necessary), and returns a "200 OK" response (unless doing so would reveal authorization policy in an undesirable fashion; see section 5.2.).

If the notifier cannot immediately create the subscription (e.g., it needs to wait for user input for authorization, or is acting for another node which is not currently reachable), or wishes to mask authorization policy, it will return a "202 Accepted" response. This response indicates that the request has been received and understood, but does not necessarily imply that the subscription has been authorized yet.

When the subscription is created in the notifier, it stores the event package name and "Event" header "id" parameter (if present) as part of the subscription information.」(第8/32頁第29行?第9/32頁第20行)
(当審訳: 初期通知要請トランザクション処理


通知者(notifier)は、“Event”ヘッダ中に指定されたイベントパッケージが理解されることをチェックするべきです。そうでなければ、通知者(notifier)は、指定されたイベント/イベントクラスが理解されないことを示すために“489 Bad Event”レスポンスを返すべきです。


通知者(notifier)はさらに “Expires”ヘッダ中のduration(持続)が小さすぎないことチェックするかもしれません。expiration(終了)間隔がゼロより大きく1時間より小さく、通知者(notifier)が形成した最小値未満の場合のみ、通知者(notifier)は”Min-Expires“ヘッダフィールドを含む”423 Interval too small“エラーを返すかもしれません。”Min-Expires“ヘッダフィールドはSIP[1]に述べられています。

もし、イベントパッケージを理解すること、認証された通知要請者(subscriber)が通知要請することを認めること、そして、サブスクリプションを作成する他の障害がないことを、通知者(notifier)が直ちに決めることができる場合、通知要請(Subscription)およびダイアログ(必要ならば)を作成し、“200 OK”レスポンス(もし、そうすることが認証ポリシーを露わにすることにならなければ;セクション5.2を参照してください。)を返します。

通知者(notifier)が直ちに通知要請(Subscription)を作成することができない場合(例えば、それは認可のためのユーザ入力を待つ必要がある、あるいは現在到達できない別のノードの代理をしている。)、あるいは認証ポリシーを隠したい場合、“202 Accepted”レスポンスを返すでしょう。このレスポンスは、リクエストが受け取られ理解されたことを示しますが、通知要請(Subscription)がすでに認可されたことを必ずしも示しません。


(4) 対 比



そして、引用例1には、「一般に、通知要請者(subscriber)がSUBSCRIBE(通知要請)リクエストを生成し、NOTIFY(通知)リクエストを処理する方法は、RFC 3265[1]に従います。」、「REQ7:スロットルメカニズムは、2つの通知(notifications)間の最小の期間のセッテイングのために合理的なリゾルーションを提供しなければならない。最低限、スロットルメカニズムは、通知要請(subscription)の持続期間(duration)を超過する最小の期間に起因する状況を確かめる調査を含んでいなければならなず、そして、この状況を回避するためのメカニズムを提供するべきです。」及び「例えば、スロットルは、通知要請(subscription)終了(expiration)値を超えるような通知(notifications)間の最小値をセットすることもできる。そのような配置は、正確に生成される2つの通知(notifications)を、通知者(notifier)は実際に失うことになる。」と記載されている。

(6) むすび

第3 本願発明

第4 引用例
原査定の拒絶の理由に引用された引用例1、その記載事項及び引用発明は、前記「第2 (3)(1)」に記載したとおりである。

第5 対比



第6 判断
引用例1には、「一般に、通知要請者(subscriber)がSUBSCRIBE(通知要請)リクエストを生成し、NOTIFY(通知)リクエストを処理する方法は、RFC 3265[1]に従います。」、「REQ7:スロットルメカニズムは、2つの通知(notifications)間の最小の期間のセッテイングのために合理的なリゾルーションを提供しなければならない。最低限、スロットルメカニズムは、通知要請(subscription)の持続期間(duration)を超過する最小の期間に起因する状況を確かめる調査を含んでいなければならなず、そして、この状況を回避するためのメカニズムを提供するべきです。」及び「例えば、スロットルは、通知要請(subscription)終了(expiration)値を超えるような通知(notifications)間の最小値をセットすることもできる。そのような配置は、正確に生成される2つの通知(notifications)を、通知者(notifier)は実際に失うことになる。」と記載されている。
また、イベント通知要求メッセージに、特定イベントの発生が通知される有効時間を含むようにし、前記有効時間が経過するまでの間に前記特定イベントの発生を通知することは、本出願の優先日前周知の技術である(例えば、特開2005-20652号公報段落【0030】の記載、特開2004-126864号公報【0045】?【0048】の記載、原査定において参考文献として引用された「ROCH A B.,Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Notification,RFC 3265,The Internet Engineering Task Force (IFTF),2002年6月,URL,http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3265-02.txt」(前記「第2 (3)(2)」「引用例2」)の記載参照。)。


第7 結論
審理終結日 2011-12-21 
結審通知日 2011-12-27 
審決日 2012-01-10 
出願番号 特願2006-40828(P2006-40828)
審決分類 P 1 8・ 121- Z (G06F)
P 1 8・ 575- Z (G06F)
最終処分 不成立  
前審関与審査官 寺谷 大亮  
特許庁審判長 和田 志郎
特許庁審判官 安島 智也
安久 司郎
発明の名称 イベント通知方法、携帯端末機及びサーバ  
代理人 笹島 富二雄  

プライバシーポリシー   セキュリティーポリシー   運営会社概要   サービスに関しての問い合わせ