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審決分類 審判 査定不服 2項進歩性 特許、登録しない。 G01N
審判 査定不服 1項3号刊行物記載 特許、登録しない。 G01N
管理番号 1276075
審判番号 不服2011-19632  
総通号数 164 
発行国 日本国特許庁(JP) 
公報種別 特許審決公報 
発行日 2013-08-30 
種別 拒絶査定不服の審決 
審判請求日 2011-09-12 
確定日 2013-06-26 
事件の表示 特願2008-501850「循環腫瘍細胞を用いる転移性乳癌患者の療法中の各追跡期間ポイントでの無増悪および全生存を予測する方法」拒絶査定不服審判事件〔平成18年10月 5日国際公開,WO2006/104474,平成20年 8月21日国内公表,特表2008-533487〕について,次のとおり審決する。 
結論 本件審判の請求は,成り立たない。 
理由 1 手続の経緯・本願発明


2 引用刊行物及びその記載事項

(ア)「1. A method for evaluating metastatic potential of circulating rare cells in a test subject comprising:
a) obtaining a biological specimen from said test subject, said specimen comprising a mixed cell population suspected of containing said rare cells;
b) enriching a fraction of said specimen, said fraction containing said rare cells;
c) confirming structural integrity of said rare cells to be intact; and
d) analyzing said intact rare cells, wherein said analyzing correlates intact rare cell enumeration of said test subject with said metastatic potential based upon a predetermined statistical association.
15. A method for survival prognosis in patients comprising:
a) obtaining a biological specimen from said patient, said specimen comprising a mixed cell population suspected of containing rare cells;
b) enriching a fraction of said specimen, said fraction containing said rare cells;
c) confirming structural integrity of said rare cells to be intact; and d) analyzing said intact rare cells to determine patient survival, wherein said analyzing correlates intact rare cell enumeration of said patient with said survival prognosis based upon a predetermined statistical association.
21. A method as claimed in claim 15, wherein said analyzing is based upon a change in said intact rare cell enumeration to indicate said survival prognosis.
22. A method as claimed in claim 21 , wherein said analyzing is based upon a measurement of CTC number relative to a threshold number, said measurement above or equal to said threshold is indicative of a lower said survival prognosis. 」
試験対象における循環希薄細胞(circulating rare cell)の転移可能性を評価する方法であって:



・ Field of the Invention
The invention relates generally to cancer prognosis and survival in metastatic cancer patients, based on the presence of morphologically intact circulating cancer cells (CTC) in blood. More specifically, diagnostic methods, reagents and apparatus are described that correlate the presence of circulating cancer cells in 7.5 ml of blood of metastatic breast cancer patients with time to disease progression and survivability. Circulating tumor cells are determined by highly sensitive methodologies capable of isolating and imaging 1 or 2 cancer cells in approximately 5 to 50 ml of peripheral blood, the level of the tumor cell number and an increase in tumor cell number during treatment are correlated to the time to progression, time to death and response to therapy.
・ Background Art
Despite efforts to improve treatment and management of cancer patients, survival in cancer patients has not improved over the past two decades for many cancer types. Accordingly, most cancer patients are not killed by their primary tumor, but they succumb instead to metastases: multiple widespread tumor colonies established by malignant cells that detach themselves from the original tumor and travel through the body, often to distant sites. The most successful therapeutic strategy in cancer is early detection and surgical removal of the tumor while still organ confined. Early detection of cancer has proven feasible for some cancers, particularly where appropriate diagnostic tests exist such as PAP smears in cervical cancer, mammography in breast cancer, and serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) in prostate cancer. However, many cancers detected at early stages have established micrometastases prior to surgical resection. Thus, early and accurate determination of the cancer's malignant potential is important for selection of proper therapy.
Optimal therapy will be based on a combination of diagnostic and prognostic information. An accurate and reproducible diagnostic test is needed to provide specific information regarding the metastatic nature of a particular cancer, together with a prognostic assessment that will provide specific information regarding survival.
A properly designed prognostic test will give physicians information about risk and likelihood of survival, which in turn gives the patient the benefit of not having to endure unnecessary treatment. Patient morale would also be boosted from the knowledge that a selected therapy will be effective based on a prognostic test. The cost savings associated with such a test could be significant as the physician would be provided with a rationale for replacing ineffective therapies. A properly developed diagnostic and prognostic data bank in the treatment and detection of metastatic cancer focusing on survival obviously would provide an enormous benefit to medicine (US 6,063,586).
If a primary tumor is detected early enough, it can often be eliminated by surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy or some combination of those treatments. Unfortunately, the metastatic colonies are difficult to detect and eliminate and it is often impossible to treat all of them successfully. Therefore from a clinical point of view, metastasis can be considered the conclusive event in the natural progression of cancer. Moreover, the ability to metastasize is a property that uniquely characterizes a malignant tumor. 」(1頁9行?2頁最終行)

(ウ)「Assessment of intact tumor cells in cancer detection and prognosis:
Detection of intact tumor cells in blood provides a direct link to recurrent metastatic disease in cancer patients who have undergone resection of their primary tumor. Unfortunately, the same spreading of malignant cells continues to be missed by conventional tumor staging procedures. Recent studies have shown that the presence of a single carcinoma cell in the bone marrow of cancer patients is an independent prognostic factor for metastatic relapse (Diel IJ, Kaufman M, Goerner R, Costa SD, Kaul S, Bastert G. Detection of tumor cells in bone marrow of patients with primary breast cancer: a prognostic factor for distant metastasis. J Clin Oncol, 10:1534-1539, 1992). But these invasive techniques are deemed undesirable or unacceptable for routine or multiple clinical assays compared to detection of disseminated epithelial tumor cells in blood.
An alternative approach incorporates immunomagnetic separation technology and provides greater sensitivity and specificity in the unequivocal detection of intact circulating cancer cells. This simple and sensitive diagnostic tool, as described (US6,365,362; US6.551.843; US6,623,982; US6,620,627; US6.645.731 ; WO 02/077604; WO03/065042; and WO 03/019141) is used in the present invention to correlate the statistical survivability of an individual patient based on a threshold level of greater than or equal to 5 tumor cells in 7.5 to 30 ml blood (1 to 2 tumor cells correspond to about 3000 to 4000 total tumor cells in circulation for a given individual).
Using this diagnostic tool, a blood sample from a cancer patient (WO 03/018757) is incubated with magnetic beads, coated with antibodies directed against an epithelial cell surface antigen as for example EpCAM. After labeling with anti-EpCAM-coated magnetic nanoparticles, the magnetically labeled cells are then isolated using a magnetic separator. The immunomagnetically enriched fraction is further processed for downstream immunocytochemical analysis or image cylometry, for example, in the Cell Spotter(R) System (Immunicon Corp., PA). The magnetic fraction can also be used for downstream immunocytochemical analysis, RT-PCR, PCR, FISH, flowcytometry, or other types of image cytometry.
The Cell Spotter(R) System utilizes immunomagnetic selection and separation to highly enrich and concentrate any epithelial cells present in whole blood samples. The captured cells are detectably labeled with a leukocyte specific marker and with one or more tumor cell specific fluorescent monoclonal antibodies to allow identification and enumeration of the captured CTC's as well as unequivocal instrumental or visual differentiation from contaminating non-target cells. At an extraordinary sensitivity of 1 or 2 epithelial cells per 7.5- 30 ml of blood, this assay allows tumor cell detection even in the early stages of low tumor mass. The embodiment of the present invention is not limited to the Cell Spotter(R) System, but includes any isolation and imaging protocol of comparable sensitivity and specificity.
Currently available prognostic protocols have not demonstrated a consistently reliable means for correlating CTC's to predict progression free- or overall survival in patients with cancers such as metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Thus, there is a clear need for accurate detection of cancer cells with metastatic potential, not only in MBC but in metastatic cancers in general. Moreover, this need is accentuated by the need to select the most effective therapy for a given patient.」(7頁1行?8頁20行)
血中における完全な腫瘍細胞の検出は、その原発性腫瘍の切除を受けた癌患者における再発転移疾患への直接的な関連を提供する。残念ながら、悪性細胞の同じ広がりは、従来の腫瘍ステージ検査(tumor staging)手順によって見落とすべく続く。最近の研究は、癌患者の骨髄中の単一のカルシノーマ細胞の存在が転移再発の独立した予測ファクターであることを示している(Diel IJ, Kaufman M, Goerner R, Costa SD, Kaul S, Bastert G. Detection of tumor cells in bone marrow of patients with primary breast cancer: a prognostic factor for distant metastasis. J Clin Oncol, 10: 1534-1539, 1992)。しかし、これらの侵入的技術は、血中のばら播かれた上皮腫瘍細胞の検出と比較して、ルーチンまたは多重の臨床アッセイには望ましくないまたは受け入れられないように考えられる。
別のアプローチは免疫磁気分離技術を取込み、完全な循環癌細胞の決定的な検出におけるより大きな感度および特異性を提供する。このシンプルかつ感度の高い診断ツールは、記載されているように(米国特許第6,365,362号;米国特許第6,551,843号;米国特許第6,623,982号;米国特許第6,620,627号;米国特許第6,645,731号;WO 02/077604;W0 03/065042;およびWO 03/019141)本願発明において用いて、7.5ないし30mlの血液中の5以上の腫瘍細胞の閾値レベルに基づく個々の患者の統計学的生存可能性と相関する(1ないし2の腫瘍細胞は所定の個人の循環中の約3000ないし4000の合計腫瘍細胞に相当する)。
この診断ツールを用いれば、癌患者からの血液試料(WO 03/018757)を、例えばEpCAMのような上皮細胞抗原に対して向けられた抗体でコートした磁性ビーズと一緒にインキュベートする。抗-EpCAMコート磁性ナノ粒子で標識した後に、磁気的に標識した細胞を磁気分離器を用いて単離する。免疫磁気的に富む画分は、下流の免疫細胞化学分析用またはイメージサイトメトリー、例えばCell Spotter(登録商標) System(Immunicon Corp., PA)用にさらに処理する。磁性画分は、下流の免疫細胞化学分析、RT-PCR、PCR、FISH、フローサイトメトリー、または他の型のイメージサイトメトリー用にも用い得る。
Cell Spotter(登録商標) Systemは、免疫磁気的な選択および分離を利用して全血試料中に存在するいずれの上皮細胞をも高度に富化および濃縮する。捕捉された細胞は白血球特異的マーカーでおよび1またはそれを超える腫瘍細胞特異的蛍光モノクローナル抗体で検出可能に標識して、捕捉された CTCの同定および計数を可能とし、ならびに多義的装置またはコンタミネーションしている非標的細胞からの目視識別を可能とする。7.5-30mlの血液当たり1または2の上皮細胞という並はずれた感度では、このアッセイにより低い腫瘍細胞の大きさの早期ステージにおいても腫瘍細胞の検出が許容される。本発明の形態はCell Spotter(登録商標) Systemに限定されるものではなく、匹敵する感度および特異性のいずれの単離およびイメージング・プロトコールをも含む。

(エ)「Summary of the Invention
The present invention is a method and means for cancer prognosis, incorporating diagnostic tools, such as the Cell Spotter(R) System, in assessing time to disease progression, survival, and response to therapy based upon the absolute number, change, or combinations of both of circulating epithelial cells in patients with metastatic cancer. The system immunomagnetically concentrates epithelial cells, fluorescently labels the cells, identifies and quantifies CTC's for positive enumeration. The statistical analysis of the cell count predicts survival.
More specifically, the present invention provides the apparatus, methods, and kits for assessing patient survival, the lime to disease progression, and response to therapy in MBC. Prediction of survival is based upon a threshold comparison of the number of circulating tumor cells in blood with time to death and disease progression. Statistical analysis of long term follow-up studies of patients diagnosed with cancer established a threshold for the number of CTC found in blood and prediction of survival. An absence of CTC's is defined as fewer than 5 morphologically intact CTC's. The presence or absence of CTC's to predict survival is useful in making treatment choices. For example, the absence of CTC's in a woman previously untreated for metastatic breast cancer could be used to select hormonal therapy vs chemotherapy with less side effects and higher quality of life. In contrast, the presence of CTC's could be used to select chemotherapy which has higher side effects but may prolong survival more effectively in a high risk population. Thus, the invention has a prognostic role in the detection of CTC's in women with metastatic breast cancer.」(8頁21行?9頁13行)
本発明は、転移癌を有する患者における循環上皮細胞の絶対数、変化、またはその両方に基づく、疾患増悪までの時間、生存および療法に対する応答を評価することにおける、Cell Spotter(登録商標) Systemのごとき診断ツールを取り込んでいる癌を予想するための方法および手段である。当該システムは、上皮細胞を免疫磁気的に濃縮し、細胞を蛍光標識し、陽性計数につきCTCを同定および定量化する。細胞カウントの統計解析により、生存を予想する。

(オ)「Detailed Description of the Invention
The object of this invention provides for the detection of circulating tumor cells as an early prognostic indicator of patient survival. ...
The diagnostic potential of the Cell Spotter(R) System, together with the use of intact circulating tumor cells as a prognostic factor in cancer survival, can provide a rapid and sensitive method for determining appropriate treatment. Accordingly in the present invention, the apparatus, method, and kits are provided for the rapid enumeration and characterization of tumor cells shed into the blood in metastatic and primary patients for prognostic assessment of survival potential.
The methods of the invention are useful in assessing a favorable or unfavorable survival, and even preventing unnecessary therapy that could result in harmful side-effects when the prognosis is favorable. ...
The following examples illustrate the predictive and prognostic value of CTC's in blood from patients. Note, the following examples are offered by way of illustration and are not in any way intended to limit the scope of the invention.」(11頁下から8行?15頁13行)

癌生存における予測因子として完全な循環腫瘍細胞を用いることと一緒に、Cell Spotter(登録商標) Systemの診断可能性は、適当な治療を決定するための迅速かつ高感度な方法を提供し得る。したがって、本発明においては、装置、方法およびキットが、生存可能性の予想評価のための転移および原発性患者の血液に落とされた腫瘍細胞の迅速な計数および特徴付けのために提供される。

(カ)「・ Example 3
Assessment of the tumor load: Comparison between changes in the radiographic image and changes in the absolute number of CTC's.
Radiographic imaging is the current standard to assess whether a particular disease is responding, stabilizing, or progressing to treatment. The interval between radiographic measurements must be at least 3 months in order to give meaningful results. Consequently, a test that could predict response to therapy earlier during the treatment cycle would improve the management of patients treated for metastatic diseases, potentially increase quality of life and possibly improve survival. In this study, patients starting a new line of treatment for MBC were assessed to determine whether a change in the number of CTC's correlated with a change in patient status as measured by imaging.
The Cell Spotter(R) System was used to enumerate CTC's in 7.5 ml of blood in MBC patients about to start a new therapy, and at various time points during the treatment cycle. Radiographic measurements were made before initiation of therapy, 10-12 weeks after initiation of therapy and after completion of the treatment cycle (approximately 6 months after initiation of therapy), or at the time the patient progressed on therapy, whichever came first.
From image analysis, a partial response was found in 14 patients (17 data segments). CTC's either decreased or remained undetectable in all cases (see Figure 4). Stable disease by imaging was found in 30 patients (37 data segments). CTC's either decreased or remained not detectable in all cases (see Figure 4). Disease progression by imaging was found in 14 patients (15 data segments). CTC's increased in 7 of 15 cases. No CTC's were detected at either time point in the other 8 cases.
An increase in CTC's was only observed in patients with disease progression (100%). A decrease in CTC's was only observed in patients with a partial response or stable disease (100%). In patients with a partial response or stable disease, no CTC's were detected at both time points in 54 of 61 cases (89%). 」
Cell Spotter(登録商標) Systemを用いて、新たな療法を開始することに関して、および治療サイクルの間の種々の時点で、MBC患者における7.5mlの血液中のCTCを計数した。ラジオグラフィー測定は療法開始前、療法開始10-12週後および治療サイクル完了後(療法開始約6月後)に、または最初になろうがなかろうが、患者が療法で増悪した時点に行った。

(キ)「・ Example 4
Trends in the number of CTC's in patients treated for MBC as a guide to treatment.
A study in patients with MBC was performed to determine whether or not clear trends in changes of the number of CTC could be observed in patients treated for MBC, and whether or not simple rules could be applied to such trends in order to guide the treating physician in optimization of the treatment of patients with MBC.
The Cell Spotter(R) System was used to enumerate CTC's in 7.5 ml of blood. 81 patients, starting a new line of therapy for MBC, were enrolled in the study. CTC's were enumerated in blood drawn before initiation of therapy and at approximately every month thereafter.
Clear trends in the number of CTC's were observed in 76 of 81 (94%) patients. During the course of therapy, the number of CTC's was not detectable or remained below 5 CTC per 7.5 ml of blood in 50% of the patients. A typical example is shown in Figure 6A. The number of CTC's decreased during the course of therapy in 22% of the patients. A typical example is shown in Figure 6B. A decrease in the number of CTC's followed by an increase during the course of therapy was observed in 6% of the patients. A typical example is shown in Figure 6C. The number of CTC's increased during the course of therapy in 16% of the patients. A typical example is shown in Figure 6D. In 42 instances, 2 blood samples were prepared and analyzed at the time of each blood draw. Results using the first tubes drawn at the initial timepoint and the first tube drawn at the follow-up time point point were compared to results using the second tubes drawn at each timepoint. In only one of those cases, the change in the number of CTC's was different between the first tubes drawn and the second (or duplicate) tubes drawn (98% agreement). In this case, both tubes from the first blood draw had 0 CTC's, whereas for the second blood draw, one tube had 5 CTC(below the cut off) and the second tube had 6 CTC (above the cut off). In comparison to the reproducibility of CTC measurements, inter-reader variability of radiographic imaging when the same films were read by two different expert radiologists resulted in an agreement of only 81%. More over, the agreement between the two radiologists in a set of 146 imaging segments was 85% when Progression versus non progression was measured and decreased to only 58% when Progression, Stable Disease and Partial response were measured. In contrast, analysis of CTC measurement was performed on the same data set by two different technologists, resulting in 100% agreement.
Thus, detection and monitoring CTC in patients treated for MBC is a more reproducible procedure to measure response to therapy than radiographic imaging.」
Cell Spotter(登録商標) Systemを用いて、7.5mlの血液中のCTCを計数した。MBCに対して新たな系統の療法を開始した81の患者を当該研究に登録した。CTCは、療法を開始する前におよびその後はほぼ毎月吸い出した血液中で計数した。

(ク)「・ Example 5
Prediction of PFS and OS before initiation of therapy.
A study to correlate CTC levels before initiation of therapy with progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) was performed whereby a threshold value of ? 5 CTC's/7.5 ml was used.
177 patients with measurable MBC were tested for CTC's in 7.5 ml of blood before starting a new line of treatment and at subsequent monthly intervals for a period of up to six months. Patients entering into any type of therapy and any line of therapy were included in the trial. Disease progression or response was assessed by the physicians at the sites for each patient.
As shown in Figure 7, median PFS decreased as CTC levels increased and reached a plateau that leveled off at 5 CTC's (vertical line). The median PFS was approximately 5.9 months for all patients (black dot). Based on the change in median PFS for positive patients and the Cox Hazard's ratio, a cutoff of > 5 CTC's was used for all subsequent analysis.
Figure 8 shows a Kaplan Meier analysis of Progression Free Survival (PFS) and Overall Survival (OS) using the number of CTC measured in the baseline blood draws. In the 177 patients, the median PFS time was approximately 5.0 months. The patients with >= 5 CTC's/7.5 ml of blood at baseline had a significantly shorter PFS than patients with < 5 CTC's (approximately 2.7 months vs. 7.0 months, respectively). Overall survival (OS) reflected the same trend with a median OS of 10.1 months vs. > 18 months for patients with >= 5 CTC's vs. < 5 CTC's, respectively.
The measurement of the number of CTC prior to initation of a new line of therapy predicts the time until patients progress on their therapy, and predicts survival time. Because of this predictive ability, detection and measurement of CTC's at baseline provides information to physicians that will be useful in the selection of appropriate treatment. In addition, the ability to stratify patients into high and low risk groups in terms of PFS and OS may be very useful to select appropriate patients for entry into therapeutic trials. For novel drugs with potentially high toxicity, patients with poor prognostic factors may be the more appropriate target population. In contrast, drugs with minimal toxicity and promising therapeutic efficacy may be more appropriately targeted toward patients with favorable prognostic factors.」
療法の開始前のCTCレベルを無増悪生存(PFS)および全生存(OS)と関連付ける実験を行い、それによって>5 CTC/7.5mlの閾値を用いた。
図7に示すごとく、中央値PFSはCTCレベルが上昇するに従って減少し、5のCTCで平行になるプラトーに達した(水平線)。中央PFSはすべての患者についてほぼ5.9ヶ月であった(黒点)。陽性患者についての中央PFSにおける変化およびに基づき、Coxハザード比に基づいて、>5 CTCのカットオフをすべてのつづく分析に用いた。
図8は、ベースライン血液引き抜き中で測定されたCTCの数を用いた無増悪生存(PSF)および全生存(OS)のカプラン・メイヤー分析を示している。177の患者において、中央PFS時間はほぼ5.0ヶ月であった。ベースラインにて>5 CTC/7.5mlの血液を有する患者は、<5 CTCを有する患者よりも有意に短いPSFを有していた(各々、ほぼ2.7ヶ月-対-7.0ヶ月)。全体生存(OS)は、>5 CTC-対-<5 CTCを有する患者について、各々、10.1ヶ月-対->18ヶ月の中央OSを有して同じ傾向を反映した。

(ケ)「・ Example 6
Prediction of PFS and OS after initiation of therapy.
A study to correlate CTC levels after initiation of therapy with progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) was carried out using the number of CTC's at the first follow-up to predict PFS and OS..
163 patients with measurable MBC were evaluated for this analysis. Blood was drawn on average 4 weeks after the initiation of a new line of therapy. Disease progression or response was assessed by the physicians at the sites for each patient at an average time of 12 weeks after the initiation of therapy
As shown in Fig. 9, the 49 patients with >= 5 CTC's per 7.5 ml at first follow-up had a significantly shorter median PFS compared to the 114 patients with < 5 CTC's per 7.5 ml, approximately 2.1 months vs. 7.0 months, respectively. The same trend was observed for the median in overall survival, approximately 8.2 months for 5 CTC's and > 18 months for < 5 CTC's.
In a separate analysis, we compared two groups with known shorter or longer PFS and OS to the patients with decreasing CTCs. Specifically, patients whose CTCs were < 5 at baseline and at first follow up were known to have relatively long PFS and OS; i.e., this was a population with relatively good performance. Conversely, patients whose CTC rose from baseline to first follow-up with a CTC level of > 5 at first follow-up were known to have a relatively short PFS and OS; i.e., this was a population of patients with relatively poor performance. We then compared two additional groups of patients to these first two groups: first, patients whose CTC decreased from baseline to first follow-up to a level < 5. Second, we evaluated patients whose CTC decreased from baseline to first follow-up but the number of CTC at first follow-up was > 5. Results are shown in Fig. 10. For the first control groups with < 5 CTC at baseline and first follow-up, the PFS and OS is relatively long, as expected. For the second control group with rising cells, the PFS and OS are relatively much shorter, again as expected. For the patients whose CTC decreased to < 5 at first follow-up, the PFS and OS approximated that of the patients who had < 5 CTC at both time points. In contrast, for patients whose CTC decreased but did not decrease to < 5, their prognosis was just as poor as those patients with rising CTCs.
Accordingly, CTC's must decline to below 5 at the first follow-up (approximately 4 weeks) to maximize PFS and OS, and to maximize the benefit associated with therapy.」
図9に示すごとく、第1の追跡時に7.5ml当たり>5 CTCを有する49の患者は、7.5ml当たり<5 CTCを有する114の患者と比較して、有意により短い中央PSF、各々ほぼ2.1ヶ月-対-7.0ヶ月を有していた。同じ傾向は全生存における中央値においても観察された。>5 CTCについてほぼ8.2ヶ月-対-<5 CTCについて>18ヶ月。
別の分析においては、本発明者らは、既知のより短いまたはより長いPFSおよびOSを有する2の群を、減少しているCTCを有する患者と比較した。詳細には、ベースラインおよび第1の追跡におけるCTCが<5である患者は、比較的長いPSFおよびOSを有することが知られている;すなわち、これは、比較的良好な性能を有する集団であった。逆に、第1の追跡において>5のCTCレベルを有してCTCがベースラインから第1の追跡までに上昇した患者は、比較的短いPFSおよびOSを有することが知られている;すなわち、これは、比較的乏しい性能を有する集団であった。ついで、本発明者らは、これらの第1の2の群に対して、2のさらなる患者の群を比較した:最初に、<5のレベルまで、ベースラインから第1の追跡にCTCが減少した患者。第2に、本発明者らは、ベースラインから第1の追跡にCTCが減少したが、第1の追跡におけるCTCの数が>5であった患者を評価した。結果を図10に示す。ベースラインおよび第1の追跡において<5 CTCを有する第1の対照群については、PFSおよびOSは予想したように比較的長かった。上昇する細胞を有する第2の対照群については、PFSおよびOSは、再度予想したように、比較的はるかに短かった。第1の追跡において<5までCTCが減少した患者については、PFSおよびOSを両方の時点において<5 CTCを有する患者のものに近似した。逆に、CTCが減少したが、<5まで減少しなかった患者については、その予測は上昇するCTCを有する患者とちょうど同じ位に乏しかった。



3 対比・判断







4 結び

審理終結日 2013-01-23 
結審通知日 2013-01-29 
審決日 2013-02-12 
出願番号 特願2008-501850(P2008-501850)
審決分類 P 1 8・ 121- Z (G01N)
P 1 8・ 113- Z (G01N)
最終処分 不成立  
前審関与審査官 白形 由美子  
特許庁審判長 岡田 孝博
特許庁審判官 福田 聡
郡山 順
発明の名称 循環腫瘍細胞を用いる転移性乳癌患者の療法中の各追跡期間ポイントでの無増悪および全生存を予測する方法  
代理人 田中 光雄  
代理人 佐藤 剛  
代理人 山崎 宏  

プライバシーポリシー   セキュリティーポリシー   運営会社概要   サービスに関しての問い合わせ