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審決分類 審判 査定不服 2項進歩性 特許、登録しない。 G01N
管理番号 1384994
発行国 JP 
公報種別 特許審決公報 
発行日 2022-06-24 
種別 拒絶査定不服の審決 
審判請求日 2021-07-27 
確定日 2022-05-11 
事件の表示 特願2019−131086「位相誤差に基づいて振動センサの振動を制御する方法」拒絶査定不服審判事件〔令和 1年12月26日出願公開、特開2019−219404〕について、次のとおり審決する。 
結論 本件審判の請求は、成り立たない。 
理由 1 手続の経緯
本件出願(以下「本願」と記す。)は、2015年(平成27年)7月9日(パリ条約による優先権主張外国庁受理2014年12月19日 米国)を国際出願日として出願した特願2017−532622号の一部を、令和元年7月16日に新たに外国語書面出願したものであって、同年7月23日に手続補正書が提出され、令和2年8月18日付けで拒絶理由が通知され、同年11月16日に意見書及び手続補正書が提出され、令和3年4年1日付けで拒絶査定されたところ、同年7月27日に拒絶査定不服審判の請求がなされたものである。

2 本願発明について
「 【請求項1】

3 原査定の拒絶の理由


4 引用文献の記載及び引用発明


According to an aspect, a method (600) of generating a drive signal for a vibratory sensor (5) comprises vibrating a vibratory element (104, 510) configured to provide a vibration signal, receiving the vibration signal from the vibratory element (104, 510) with a receiver circuit (134), generating the drive signal that vibrates the vibratory element (104, 510) with a driver circuit (138) coupled to the receiver circuit (134) and the vibratory element (104, 510), and comparing a phase of the generated drive signal with a phase of the vibration signal.
Preferably, the comparing the phase of the generated drive signal with the phase of the vibration signal comprises comparing a sampled generated drive signal with a sampled vibration signal.
Preferably, the method (600) further comprises removing at least one frequency component from the at least one of the sampled generated drive signal and the sampled vibration signal.
Preferably, the comparing the sampled generated drive signal with the sampled vibration signal comprises performing a correlation of the sampled generated drive signal and the sampled vibration signal.
Preferably, the comparing the sampled generated drive signal with the sampled vibration signal comprises conjugating one of the sampled generated drive signal and the sampled vibration signal, and multiplying the conjugated one of the sampled generated drive signal and the sampled vibration signal with the non-conjugated one of the sampled generated drive signal and the sampled vibration signal.
Preferably, the comparing the phase of the generated drive signal with the phase of the vibration signal comprises determining a measured phase difference φm between the phase of the generated drive signal and the phase of the vibration signal, and comparing the measured phase difference φm with a target phase difference φt to determine if the measured phase difference φm is at the target phase difference φt.
Preferably, the method (600) further comprises measuring a density of a fluid when the measured phase difference φm is at the target phase difference φt.
Preferably, the method (600) further comprises determining a command frequency ω from the comparison of the phase of the generated drive signal and the phase of the vibration signal, providing the command frequency ω to a signal generator (147c), and generating the drive signal at the command frequency ω with the signal generator (147 c).
Preferably, the method (600), wherein the generating the drive signal at the command frequency ω with the signal generator (147c) comprises forming a synthesized drive signal with a drive synthesizer (544), and converting the synthesized drive signal to the generated drive signal with a digital to analog converter (534).」(第3頁第16行−第4頁第21行)

イ「The meter electronics 20 can provide electrical power to the vibratory element 104 via the lead or leads 100. The meter electronics 20 controls operation of the vibratory element 104 via the lead or leads 100. For example, the meter electronics 20 may generate a drive signal and provide the generated drive signal to the vibratory element 104, wherein the vibratory element 104 generates a vibration in one or more vibratory components using the generated drive signal. The generated drive signal can control the vibrational amplitude and frequency of the vibratory element 104. The generated drive signal can also control the vibrational duration and/or vibrational timing.」(第7頁第7行−第14行)

ウ「 The phase detector 147b can compare the phases of the sampled vibration and generated drive signal. The phase detector 147b can be a processor configured to execute one or more codes or programs that sample, process, and generate signals to detect a phase difference between two signals, as will be described in more detail in the following with reference to FIG. 5. Still referring to the embodiment of FIG. 4, the comparison provides a measured phase difference φm between the sampled vibration signal and the sampled generated drive signal.
The measured phase difference φm is compared with the target phase difference φt. The target phase difference φt is a desired phase difference between the vibration signal and the generated drive signal. In an embodiment where the target phase difference φt is approximately 45°, the difference between the measured phase difference φm and the target phase difference φt can be zero if the measured phase difference φm is also the same as or about 45°. However, any appropriate target phase difference φt can be employed in alternative embodiments. Using the comparison between the measured phase difference φm and the target phase difference φt, the phase detector 147b can generate a command frequency ω.
The command frequency ω can be employed to generate the drive signal. Additionally or alternatively, an initial frequency ωo that is not determined from the comparison between the measured phase difference φm and the target phase difference φt can be employed. The initial frequency ωo could be a preselected frequency used to form an initial generated drive signal. The initial generated drive signal can be sampled as described in the foregoing and compared with the sampled vibration signal. The comparison between the sampled initial generated drive signal and the sampled vibration signal can be used to generate the command frequency ω. The command frequency ω and the initial frequency ωo can have units of radians per second although any suitable units can be employed. The command frequency ω or the initial frequency ωo can be provided to the signal generator 147c.
The signal generator 147c can receive the command frequency ω from the phase detector 147b and provide the generated drive signal with a frequency that is the same as the command frequency ω. The generated drive signal is sent, as discussed in the foregoing, to the analog to digital converter 147a. The generated drive signal is also sent to the second piezo element 124 via the analog output filter 138b. Additionally or alternatively, the generated drive signal can be sent to other components in other embodiments. In these and other embodiments, the generated drive signal can therefore be determined from the difference between the measured phase difference φm and the target phase difference φt, as will be described in more detail in the following.」(第10頁第20行−第11頁第22行)

エ「 In step 650, the command frequency ω can be determined from the measured phase difference φm . For example, in the embodiments described in the foregoing, if the measured phase difference φm is less than the target phase difference φt, then the command frequency ω is increased. If the measured phased difference φm is greater than the target phase difference φt then the command frequency is decreased. However, in alterative embodiments, the command frequency ω can be determined from the measured phase difference φm with alternative means. In these and other embodiments, the command frequency ω is used to generate the drive signal in step 660. 」(第15頁第24−31行)




ア「A process for operating a measurement device of the vibration type is disclosed. 」(【0003】段落)

イ「An exemplary process disclosed herein can use a time-dependent force f(t)=F sin(ωt)+g(t) with at least one sinusoidal component having a force amplitude F. The force F can be a constant for a given measurement which can, if desired, be adjusted by actuation of a force actuator acting on a portion of the system, such as a flow tube configured to contain a measurement medium. The force f(t) includes an adjustable frequency ω stimulated by an exciter arrangement. The force f(t) can also include a possible extraneous time varying force factor g(t), such as a spurious force. This spurious force can, in some cases, be considered negligible or non-existent (e.g., value of 0) in terms of its influence on the force f(t). The force f(t) acts on at least one vibration-capable part (e.g., flow tube or other related device) of a measurement device of the vibration type. A response signal of the vibration-capable part can be measured. For example, a time dependent velocity v(t)=V sin(ωt+ψ)+h(t), with at least one sinusoidal component having a velocity amplitude V, the adjustable excitation frequency ω, and with a possible extraneous time varying velocity factor h(t) can be measured. The velocity constant V can be adjusted in response to changes in F, for a given measurement. The phase shift Ψ between the response signal and the force f of the signal component which oscillates with a frequency ω can be determined. The phase shift Ψ can be used as an input for a frequency controller so that the excitation frequency is automatically adjusted as a function of Ψ.」(【0015】段落)(邦訳:
本明細書に開示される例示的なプロセスは、力の振幅Fをもつ少なくとも1つの正弦波成分の時間依存の力f(t)=F sin(ωt)+g(t)を使用することができる。力Fは一定値であり、望ましくは予備測定で、測定媒体に含まれるように設定されたフローチューブのような、システムの一部として作動するフォースアクチュエーターの作動により調整される。力f(t)は励磁機構に励起された調整可能な周波数ωを有する。力f(t)はまた、スプリアス力のような可能性のある外部の時間変化する力率g(t)、などを含むことができる。ある場合、このスプリアス力は力f(t)に対するその影響の観点で無視できるか、又は存在しない(例えば0の値)と考えることができる。力f(t)は、振動型の測定装置のうちの少なくとも1つの振動可能な部分(例えば、フローチューブ又はその他の関連機器)に作用する。振動可能な部分の応答信号を測定することができる。例えば、速度振幅Vと、調整可能な励起周波数ωを持つ正弦波成分と、可能性のある外部の時間変化速度係数h(t)と、を持つ少なくとも1つの正弦波成分をもつ時間依存速度v(t)=Vsin(ωt+Ψ)+h(t)が測定される。速度定数Vは、予備測定でFの変化に応答して調整される。応答信号と、周波数ωで振動する信号要素の力fと、の間の位相シフトΨが決定される。位相シフトΨは励起周波数がΨの関数として自動的に調整されるように、周波数制御装置の入力として利用される。)

ウ「In another exemplary embodiment configuration, the frequency controller is operated in the sense of a PID control.」(【0017】段落)

エ「In another exemplary embodiment, the PID controller is operated in the following sense:

wherein P, I And D are constants which can be determined empirically, in known fashion, and tuned from initial values based on feedback. 」(【0018】段落)



力f(t)=F sin(ωt)で振動型の測定装置のうちの少なくとも1つの振動可能な部分に作用し、振動可能な部分の応答信号v(t)=Vsin(ωt+Ψ)+h(t)が測定され、応答信号v(t)と力f(t)との位相シフトΨが決定され、位相シフトΨは周波数制御装置の入力として利用され、周波数制御装置はPID制御の下で作動し、PID制御装置は以下の式の下で作動する。

5 対比








6 一致点・相違点



7 判断

PIDフィードバック制御は、様々な技術分野で慣用される周知技術である。そして、引用文献2(上記4の(3)及び(4)を参照。)は、「振動型の測定装置を動作させるための方法」において、周知のPIDフィードバック制御を用いることを開示しているものであって、「周波数制御装置」は、「力f(t)=F sin(ωt)で振動型の測定装置のうちの少なくとも1つの振動可能な部分に作用」する周波数ωを生成するものであり、その周波数ωは、「振動可能な部分の応答信号v(t)と」振動可能な部分に作用する「力f(t)との位相シフトΨ」を入力として以下の式、


8 小括

9 審判請求書における請求人の主張について

10 むすび


別掲 (行政事件訴訟法第46条に基づく教示) この審決に対する訴えは、この審決の謄本の送達があった日から30日(附加期間がある場合は、その日数を附加します。)以内に、特許庁長官を被告として、提起することができます。

審判長 福島 浩司
審理終結日 2021-12-06 
結審通知日 2021-12-07 
審決日 2021-12-22 
出願番号 P2019-131086
審決分類 P 1 8・ 121- Z (G01N)
最終処分 02   不成立
特許庁審判長 福島 浩司
特許庁審判官 伊藤 幸仙
▲高▼見 重雄
発明の名称 位相誤差に基づいて振動センサの振動を制御する方法  
代理人 特許業務法人 有古特許事務所  

プライバシーポリシー   セキュリティーポリシー   運営会社概要   サービスに関しての問い合わせ